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Special offers
Source language: Hungarian
99.000 EUR
Advertiser for 7 years
Lake, fish pond Vas, Répcelak
Répcelakon eladó vagy kiadó 20.903 m2-es terület, nagyon jól megközelíthető helyen, egy szép 7.000 m2-es tóval, melyen két sziget került kialakításra. A rendezési terv módosítása folyamatban van. A terület 10 %-ban beépíthető, üdülő telkek...
20903 m2
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 8 years
Other agricultural property Csongrád-Csanád, Mindszent
Farmers, attention! If you're looking for a quick to build, expandable and cost-effective building, the semi-open lightweight structure is the perfect choice! Why choose semi-open construction? - Flexible and quick: Easy to build, expandable later as...
Automatic translation
4.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Farmland, arable land, land Veszprém, Veszprém
The 100 m long Séd stream, surrounded by a wooded strip, is the natural boundary of the 3.6 ha plot for sale. 3% of the property can be built on, utilities are within reach. The water-rich, peaceful area is suitable for farming and farms, 30 km from...
36000 m2
Automatic translation
40.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Farmland, arable land, land Veszprém, Veszprém
The 100 m long Séd stream, surrounded by a wooded strip, is the natural boundary of the 3.6 ha plot for sale. 3% of the property can be built on, utilities are within reach. The water-rich, peaceful area is suitable for farming and farms, 30 km from...
36000 m2
Automatic translation
210.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Farm, house Pest, Dabas (Sári)
I offer for sale two-storey family house in the heart of Dabas. The property is situated on a double plot of 2500 sqm. In the courtyard there is a large saletli, pond and a 240 sqm meat processing plant with built-in sewer. The meat processing plant...
140 m2
Source language: Hungarian
285.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Other commercial real estate Zala, Zalaegerszeg
Zalaegerszeg pózvai részén 22 hektáros kivont, fejlesztési terület eladó. Ez egy volt bányaterület 3 db tóval, jelentős kavics ásványanyag van még alatta. A rendezési terv szerint KBB (különleges bányaterület) besorolásban van. További hasznosításban...
22 Hectare
Automatic translation
100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 days
Meadow Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Balajt
For sale in Balajton, a meadow area of cultivated land (gazett 598), as advertised in the title. This land includes 1/2 part, which is 594.5 m². The price is fixed (and sold as one), all offers are welcome. The area is located N of Balajt, next...
594.50 m2
Automatic translation
250.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 year
Estate, farm, major Csongrád-Csanád, Földeák
A poultry farm is for sale between Földeák and Óföldeák (parcel 0130/20). The farm has 7 hectares of fenced area and a further 3 hectares of arable land. On the farm there are 2 stables with 100 sheds, the attic of which is also a rearing area. Each...
Automatic translation
300.000 HUF
New advertiser
Forest, plantation Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
2338 square metres of land, 22 years old, forested with acacia, for sale in the outskirts of Ásotthalom.
2338 m2
Automatic translation
450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Foil housing Csongrád-Csanád, Szatymaz
For sale in Szatymazon several foil frames. One 75 m x 10 m with outer, inner frame, the outer is 5/4 inch, the inner is 5/4 inch. With 3 top vents. Two 30 m x 8 m frames of 5/4 pipe. From 450 thousand Ft to 1.200.000 Ft. Bargain from several pieces!
Automatic translation
2.450.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
A brand new building structure 12 metres wide, 18 metres long and 4.5 metres high with eaves is for sale from the manufacturer. The structure is made of IPE 240 material. It consists of a total of 4 corner wedged frame posts, consisting of 8...
Automatic translation
79.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Hall, hall frame
I would like to recommend a steel structure in the Netherlands, which could be used to build about 5 industrial halls of 1000 m². Dimensions: 41,5 x 70 m, i.e. 2905 m², height: 13,7 m Roof beams: IPE-360, length: 14.16 m Leg material: IPE-330,...
5000 m2
Automatic translation
57.700.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Business premises
Below you can see material, photos and design documentation of the complex. The price of the building includes car washes, temperature control, lighting, stairs and lifting equipment. Purchase price: HUF 42,0 M Plus demolition costs: HUF 7,5 million...
960 m2
Source language: Hungarian
11.980.000 EUR
Advertiser for 7 years
Salt mine Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hövej
SZÁRFÖLD II. Összterület: 26,3 ha Jelenleg kitermelhető ásványvagyona (2020.04.01.): 5.438.800 tonna Környezetvédelmi engedély: 1 millió tonna/év SZÁRFÖLD III. Összterület: 24,3 ha Jelenleg kitermelhető ásványvagyona (2020.04.01.): 4.449.736 tonna...
76,8 Hectare
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 7 years
Estate, farm, major Komárom-Esztergom, Ács
Ács-Jegespusztán 2,7452 hektáros gazdasági és ipari terület, aszfaltos út mellett, az M1-es autópályától 200 méterre. Ár: 10 Euró / m2
2.75 Hectare
Automatic translation
21.000.000 HUF
New advertiser
Farmland, arable land, land Pest, Jászkarajenő
5 km from the centre of Jászkarajenő, 8.41 ha of arable land and 2.41 ha of pasture for sale. The area is located next to the asphalt road leading out of the village towards Kecskemét. Price: 21.000.000 Ft.
Hectare Yes
Source language: Hungarian
26.300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Closed garden, plot Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hövej
Balatontól pár száz méterre, Badacsony központjától 800 méterre, csendes helyen 1067 m2-es telek sürgősen eladó. Kiváló befektetési lehetőség.
1067 m2
Automatic translation
42.800 EUR
Advertiser for 7 years
Other property Győr-Moson-Sopron, Himod
In Himod, 1 hour from Vienna, on the edge of the village, next to the forest, in a very quiet, close to nature, 1.879 m² plot with small wooden house for sale. Water, electricity, gas, sewage in front of the plot. The plot is 30% buildable, no...
1879 m2
Source language: Hungarian
450.000 EUR
Advertiser for 7 years
Lake, fish pond Győr-Moson-Sopron, Vitnyéd
Soprontól 30 km-re Vitnyéden eladó 5,1 hektáros terület egy csodaszép 1,913 hektáros tóval. A rendezési terv szerint a tó körüli területet fel lehet parcellázni 28 db építési telekre. Az úthálózat körben ki van építve. A villanyhálózat ki van...
5.10 Hectare
Automatic translation
21.000.000 HUF
New advertiser
Farmland, arable land, land Pest, Jászkarajenő
On the outskirts of Jászkarajenő, 5 km from the centre, next to the road leading to Kecskemét, 8.41 ha of arable land and 2.41 ha of grass pasture for sale. Asking price.
Yes Yes
Source language: Hungarian
16.000.000 HUF
New advertiser
Farm, house Békés, Orosháza
Orosháza Szent István út 12.1040 m2 telken 100 m2 azonnal költözhető ház eladó. Fűtés, parketta, szigetelés felújított. Gázcsonk a ház előtt található. A fűtés vegyes tüzelésű kazánnal megy. Vezetékes víz és fúrt kút is van. A ház vert falú.,az...
100 m2
Automatic translation
31.350.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Hall, hall frame Pest, Gyömrő
- fire-anchored double steel frame structure, - 900 g/m² UV-resistant, 4-season industrial PVC tarpaulin, - with mechanical door on short sides, - condition new, - for storage, feed storage, machinery storage, covered riding stables.
Automatic translation
35.750.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Hall, hall frame Pest, Gyömrő
- fire-anchored double steel frame structure, - 900 g/m² UV-resistant, 4-season industrial PVC tarpaulin, - with mechanical door on short sides, - condition new, - for storage, feed storage, machinery storage, covered riding stables.
Automatic translation
29.850.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Hall, hall frame Pest, Gyömrő
- fire-anchored double steel frame structure, - 900 g/m² UV-resistant, 4-season industrial PVC tarpaulin, - with mechanical door on short sides, - condition new, - for storage, feed storage, machinery storage, covered riding stables.
Automatic translation
22.350.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Hall, hall frame Pest, Gyömrő
- fire-anchored double steel frame structure, - 900 g/m² UV-resistant, 4-season industrial PVC tarpaulin, - with mechanical door on short sides, - condition new, - for storage, feed storage, machinery storage, covered riding stables.

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