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2.637.787 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Kisújszállás
High quality warehouses at affordable prices Storage sheds provide a quick and easy way to store or simply protect against the elements. Unlike a construction site, a storage shed can be installed in as little as a day and offers an immediate...
Automatic translation
1.889.756 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Kisújszállás
Storage sheds provide a quick and easy way to store your goods or simply protect them from the elements. Unlike a construction site, a storage shed can be installed in as little as a day and offers an immediate solution to a problem. Tent size: 7.9 x...
Automatic translation
170.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Other industrial property Bács-Kiskun, Lajosmizse
Kecskemét, Lajosmizse, at exit M5 74, bordering the M5 and E5 main roads, 42 000 sqm development area, GK-1 for sale. At the junction of M5, E5, M44, M8. The area consists of several parcels. There is also a numbered farmhouse. Electricity is on the...
42000 m2
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 1 day
Industrial, food industry plant
Silo capacity 11.200 tons 12 cells × 850 tonnes 5 cells × 200 tonnes + 3.500 tonnes floor storage Natural gas dryer up to 14%-20% humidity Drying capacity: 25 tons/hour Pallet and pallet housing up to 60.000 kg Transformer and hydrant Receiving...
Automatic translation
3.800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Békés, Békéssámson
Machine paint frame for sale, painted with grey primer. Size: 12x24x4. Painted with grey primer, either assembled or complete, within 100 km. Tel: 0630 299 9642.
Automatic translation
1.390.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Hall, hall frame Békés, Békéssámson
Workshop frame for sale: - 8x18x3 m - 8 columns - 8 base plates - 16 head plates - 9 pcs. pony rods Manufactured, painted, with grey primer. Base area: 144 m². Phone number: 0630 290 996 42.
Source language: Hungarian
390.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Hall, hall frame Békés, Békéssámson
Dupla garázs váz 6x6x2m-es szürke alapozóval le festve. Vas anyag árba van a gyártás a vasanyag kb 195ezer ugyanannyi a gyártás .
Automatic translation
6.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Hall, hall frame Békés, Békéssámson
Garage frame 6x6x2 m, the net price of the iron material is 280-300 thousand forints. The net price of the 18x8x3 m iron is the same, 690 thousand forints, because the locksmith work is included in the net price of the iron. In addition,...
Automatic translation
1.390.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Hall, hall frame Békés, Békéssámson
Workshop frame or machine frame for sale, 18x8x3 m, painted with grey primer. Can be assembled nearby.
Source language: Hungarian
3.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszaföldvár
A csarnok szerkezete IPE gerendából készül, melynek méretei: 14m széles 18m hosszú és 4m az eresz magassága. A szerkezet teljes belső magassága kihasználható. Az ár tartalmazza: - 4db keret állás - Alapozó festés - Összekötő csavarok. - Műbizonylat...
250 m2
Source language: Hungarian
1.800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszaföldvár
Eladó a képen látható (a képek minta) 8m széles 18m hosszú és 4m eresz magasságú csarnok, melynek csúcsmagassága 5,3m, amely teljes mértékben kihasználható. A váz Új, első osztályú alapanyagból gyártva. Az ár tartalmazza: -4db keretállás - Alapozó...
Automatic translation
2.450.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszaföldvár
The structure of the hall is made of IPE beams with dimensions of 12 m wide, 18 m long and 4.5 m high eaves. The peak height is 6.2 m, which can be fully utilised. The price includes: - 4 frame posts - primer painting - 4 fixing screws - 3 screws,...
220 m2
Source language: Hungarian
60.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Industrial, food industry plant Bács-Kiskun, Csengőd
Eladó Csengőd belterületén egy közel 2 ha.os, zárt téglakerítéssel teljesen bekerített, az 1960-as években épített borászati telephely. - 25.000 hl tárolási kapacitás csempézett betonhordókban - 1000 hl tárolására alkalmas ászokhordós pince - 60 m2...
18877 m2
Automatic translation
2.450.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
A brand new building structure 12 metres wide, 18 metres long and 4.5 metres high with eaves is for sale from the manufacturer. The structure is made of IPE 240 material. It consists of a total of 4 corner wedged frame posts, consisting of 8...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 5 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Vállaljuk épületszerkezetek, acélszerkezetek, csarnokvázak gyártását 6 méteres fesztávtól 20 méteres szélességig, bármilyen hosszúsággal, rövid határidőn belül, akár a tervezéstől, a kivitelezésig. Géptárolók, Gabona tárolók, Széna tárolók, Lovardák,...
Automatic translation
760.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
Livestock tents for sale, directly from the Hungarian distributor. DIMENSIONS (L-R-E) / M | SINGLE SIZE / MM | PVC | KG | PRICE EURO (net) 4x4x3,15 | 60x1,8-40x1,5 | 750 g/m² | 520 | 2000 6x6x3,7 | 60x2-60x1,5 | 750 g/m² | 700 | 3800 8x8x4 |...
Automatic translation
2.697.500 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee, with invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with...
Automatic translation
2.905.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee, with invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with...
Automatic translation
5.395.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee, with invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with...
Automatic translation
4.150.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee, with invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with...
Automatic translation
5.602.500 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee, with invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with...
Automatic translation
6.640.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee, with invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with...
Automatic translation
4.565.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 years
Machine storage, industrial tent Fejér, Besnyő
We sell new, professional, house-type industrial tents (with straight walls) for agricultural, warehousing or industrial purposes, with guarantee and invoice. Sturdy stainless steel structure with 40 mm, 48 mm, 60 mm and 76 mm tubes with thicknesses...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 10 years
Industrial, food industry plant Heves, Gyöngyöstarján
borászat eladó a mátrai borvidéken,25 ezer hektóliter kóracél tartály csarnok épületben,továbbá 600 méter hosszú boltives pincerendszer fahordókkal,további 7 ezer hektóliter beton hordó,feldolgozóval irodákkal,műemlék épülettel stb. , a borászat...
Automatic translation
69.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Industrial, food industry plant Heves, Erk
We offer for sale our 900 sqm factory building on the outskirts of Erk, Heves county, 500 meters from the village border. The property is a 3000 sqm detached farm, but the adjacent detached yard of about 1.5 ha can also be purchased (this is a...
1000 m2

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