Automatic translation
95.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Tire Heves, Mezőszemere
2 titanium 46 rubber boots, like new, for sale with 6 months warranty.
Automatic translation
90.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Tire Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Mérk
For sale two Goodyear radial tyres, 30 mm profile. One of the tyres has a spot on the circumference, which can be seen in the picture. To inquire call 0630/743-9514.
Automatic translation
1.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Wheel Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
For sale 9.5-R36 and 270/85 R48 double cultivator wheels. Can be quickly mounted on single or double version with quick release.
Automatic translation
70.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Tire Fejér, Sárbogárd
For sale 1 very good condition 550/60-22,5" Mitas tyre.
Automatic translation
535.000 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Wheel Baranya, Szigetvár
Trinker tiller wheel set for sale! Front: 9.5R28, Rear: 9.5R44 80-120 HP category Landini, NH, Steyr... etc.
Automatic translation
20.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Tire Baranya, Pécs
Firestone Maxi Traction 65 540/65 R30 with about 40% rubber for sale. Repaired, but still plenty of use. 2019 vintage MF 7722S, 3400 hours.
Automatic translation
500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Tire Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszasas
For sale 2 Goodyear 800/65 R 32 tyres in good condition, 50% off. Only one for sale!
Automatic translation
320.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Up Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Szikszó
For sale 4 new truck rims with 8 holes 315/70 R22,5 Michelin tyres.
Source language: Hungarian
1.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Wheel Győr-Moson-Sopron, Halászi
Eladó a képeken látható Taurus ápolókerék garnitúra!
Automatic translation
45.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Tire Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Miskolc
For sale 2 pcs 380/55-17 rubber 45 e Ft/piece
Source language: Hungarian
40.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Up Bács-Kiskun, Kunbaja
Eladó 18.4X30 -as felni 2db. ZT és FORSTRITT kombájnra is jó. Az ár darab ár
Automatic translation
35.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Tire Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúdorog
2 off road tyres for sale. Brand new.
Automatic translation
80.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Tire Fejér, Sárbogárd
For sale 2 used BKT 710/50 R26.5" tyres. Price is per piece.
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 9 years
Wheel Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
Rims with tyres for sale.
Source language: Hungarian
40.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Tire Csongrád-Csanád, Mórahalom
385x70x22,5 kamion gumi felnistől 50%-os eladó mórahalmon érdeklődni csak telefonon
Source language: Hungarian
45.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Tire Békés, Nagybánhegyes
Eladó 2 db használt 13,6*20 méretű MTZ első gumiabroncs, belsővel párban.
Source language: Hungarian
25.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Up Békés, Nagybánhegyes
Eladó 3 db jó állapotú bogárhátú Wartburg acélfelni. 25000Ft a 3 db.
Automatic translation
440.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Tire Tolna, Nagyszokoly
For sale due to size problem 80% ALLIANCE 580/70R42, used on double wheels. Price: 220.000 Ft/piece
Automatic translation
2.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 years
Wheel Baranya, Babarc
Landini cultivator wheels for sale. Full set of cultivator wheels for sale together due to unavailability. Sizes: 230/95R32 230/95R48.
Source language: Hungarian
110.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Tire Fejér, Sárbogárd
Javítás mentes kicsit kopott de jó állapotban eladó 10 éves bkt gumi párban.
Automatic translation
2.950.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Wheel Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
For sale complete double wheel set with 20,8*34 tyres as new.
Automatic translation
135.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Tire Bács-Kiskun, Kunfehértó
Kleber rubber with 95% tread for sale. Size: 460/85 R30, 18.4 R30
Source language: Hungarian
320.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Wheel Csongrád-Csanád, Maroslele
Eladásra kínálok kettő Taurus 520/70 R34 Rába kereket. Ha felkeltette a hirdetés a figyelmét, kérem telefonon érdeklődjön további információkért.
Automatic translation
220.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Tire Békés, Orosháza
For sale: - 2 pcs 480/70R34 75.000 Ft/piece - 2 pcs 360/70R24 45.000 Ft/pc - 1 Petlas R34 inner tyre 15.000 Ft R34, R34, R34 3. If 5 in one for 220.000 Ft!
Source language: Hungarian
70.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Tire Bács-Kiskun, Tompa
Eladó a képeken látható 1 db, 14.5-20-as méretű MPT gumiabroncs, felnivel (5 furatú).