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526.600 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 12 years
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Fertilizer spreader Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
Fertiliser spreader, 1500 litres, new, from stock, ready to take away, with tarpaulin, with gimbal. Red colour. Technical characteristics: - 1500 litres capacity - Working width 18-24 m - single-sided, arbitrary sectioning - with tarpaulin - with...
Suspended System: 0-80 HP Capacity: 15 q 2
Automatic translation
75.800 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 7 years
Other Bács-Kiskun, Kecel
Vegesol eReS is a copper and sulphur containing fungicide fungicide wash-off spray. Use On apple orchards: against scab, powdery mildew, bacterial and fungal blight Peaches: against taffeta disease Cumin: against American powdery mildew Currants:...
Source language: Hungarian
25.500 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 17 years
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Grain seeder Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
Mascar Montana 450 pneumatikus gabonavetőgép, 2024-es évjárat, 36 db kéttárcsás csoroszlya, 4 magadagoló és 4 magelosztó miatt a magelosztó után egyenletesen lejtenek a csövek, nem áll meg a vetőmag a csőben, apró mag vetéshez is használható, 0,4...
2024 Hydraulic coulter pressure adjustment Two-disc coulter
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Advertiser for 6 years
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Maxxum 150 Tolna, Tolna
150 hp, CVX, 50 km/h ECO Engine power: 150 hp Cylinder capacity: 6728 cm³ Number of cylinders: 6 Engine type: diesel Transmission: CVX Maximum speed: 50 km/h ECO Tare weight: 6800 kg Fuel tank size: 250 litres Hydraulic pump: CCLS 150 litres/min Tyre...
150 HP 2022 Working hours: 0 Yes RPM: 540/540E/1000
Source language: Hungarian
16.289 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
TOP partner
Other tractor parts Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Eredeti Massey Ferguson - Generátor Ékszij Mf-7600. Új alkatrész a gyártótól. Cikkszám: 437 4378M1/27
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Advertiser for 6 years
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Self-propelled sprayer Tolna, Tolna
Mazzotti IBIS 3180 LP Tare weight: 6300 kg Year: 2023 - John Deere 6-cylinder, 175 hp engine - Hydrostatic drive (SAUER hydraulic pump, POCLAIN hydraulic motors) - Two-wheel steering - 270/95R42 wheel size - 180 cm ground clearance - Mechanical track...
3100 l Working width: 2400 cm 2023
Automatic translation
2.990.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Short dial Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
Working width: 300 cm 2024 System: 80-120 HP
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12.480.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Other loader Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
26 Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Trading in agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery, we offer our...
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8.980.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Tipper trailer Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Our machinery dealers offer agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery at...
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1.035.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Suspended sprayer Veszprém, Pápa
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Trading in agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery, we offer our...
800 l Working width: 1500 cm 2023
Automatic translation
4.450.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Short dial Veszprém, Pápa
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Trading in agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery, we offer our...
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3.980.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Direct injection machine Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the largest inventories and most versatile ranges in the country. Trading in agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery, we offer our...
System: 0-80 HP Hydraulic coulter pressure adjustment Hydraulic sowing quantity adjustment Cultivation path switching Single disc coulter Two-disc coulter
Automatic translation
9.980.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
TOP partner
Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Dear Farmer! The Royal Tractor Group has one of the most versatile ranges in the country. Dealing in agricultural, tillage, construction, municipal, horticultural, fruit and vegetable and forestry machinery, we offer our products at the most...
Working width: 500 cm 2025 System: 120-180 HP Towed Hydraulically
Automatic translation
1.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 8 years
Other Csongrád-Csanád, Makó
Onions (Makó, Stuttgart, purple and white silver) for sale from Makó, from producer. In different sizes, for head onions and green onions. In case of parcel delivery, discounted delivery to your door can be arranged for larger lots. The onion is...
2000 Kilogram
Automatic translation
699.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Plow Győr-Moson-Sopron, Egyed
2005 vintage hydraulically reversed 3-speed alternately rotating with 90% levers
Used Trench-plough 3 headed Towed
Automatic translation
526.600 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 12 years
TOP partner
Fertilizer spreader Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
Fertiliser spreader, 1500 litres, new, from stock, ready to take away, with tarpaulin, with gimbal. Red colour. Technical characteristics: - 1500 litres capacity - Working width 18-24 m - single-sided, arbitrary sectioning - with tarpaulin - with...
Suspended System: 0-80 HP Capacity: 15 q 2
Automatic translation
700.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 12 years
TOP partner
Cultivator, row cultivator Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
New LETÁK LEKO cultivators for sale, with short delivery time and home delivery. Available in a wide range, from 700 000 Ft + VAT. Fixed frame, manual or hydraulic folding, with or without liquid fertilizer sprayer, remote control. For more...
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Highlighted Advertiser for 12 years
TOP partner
Tubing machine Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
New Hungarian Gramax coffee machine from stock available for immediate delivery. Delivery possible. Specification: - Plastic powder coating on all metal parts. - Piston dosing pump designed for heavy duty use. - 120 litre PE chemical tank with inlet...
Automatic translation
500.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 12 years
TOP partner
Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
Wide range of new LEKO combiners for sale, with discount, with home delivery. From 1.1 m working width up to 9.6 m working width, from 500 000 HUF + VAT. Suspended, towed, fixed frame or hydraulically folding. Customized production is also possible....
Automatic translation
4.200.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 5 years
Other property Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
A brand new 14 m wide, 24 m long and 4 m high eaves skeleton is for sale from the manufacturer. The structure is made of IPE 270 material. It consists of a total of 5 corner frame posts, consisting of 10 support posts and 10 roof beams. The complete...
Source language: Hungarian
1.350.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 5 years
Other Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Gyártótól eladó egy teljesen új 8 méter széles 12 méter hosszú és 4 méteres ereszmagasságú csarnok váz. A szerkezet IPE 200 anyagból készült. Összesen 3 db sarok ékelt keretállást tartalmaz, ami 6 db tartó oszlopból és 6 db tetőgerendából áll. A...
Source language: Hungarian
Highlighted Advertiser for 5 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Vállaljuk épületszerkezetek, acélszerkezetek, csarnokvázak gyártását 6 méteres fesztávtól 20 méteres szélességig, bármilyen hosszúsággal, rövid határidőn belül, akár a tervezéstől, a kivitelezésig. Géptárolók, Gabona tárolók, Széna tárolók, Lovardák,...
Automatic translation
2.450.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 5 years
Hall, hall frame Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
A brand new building structure 12 metres wide, 18 metres long and 4.5 metres high with eaves is for sale from the manufacturer. The structure is made of IPE 240 material. It consists of a total of 4 corner wedged frame posts, consisting of 8...
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Highlighted Advertiser for 5 years
Production, manufacturing Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
We undertake the production of building structures, steel structures, hall frames from 6 m span to 20 m width, of any length, at short notice, even from design to construction. Manufacture of steel structures for machine sheds, granaries, hay sheds,...
Automatic translation
610.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 4 years
Fertilizer spreader Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
High quality, easy to use 1.500 litre fertiliser spreader. An excellent partner for small farms. Its reinforced design guarantees long service life. Good value for money. Precise, accurate fertiliser spreading up to 20 metres, with stainless steel...
Suspended 2024 System: 0-80 HP Volume: 1500 m3 2 Working width: 2000 cm
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Highlighted Advertiser for 12 years
8120 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
John Deere 8120 ILS, 7526 hours, 2005 year RW8120P028204 Tyres: 540/65R30, 650/65R42 Phone number: 06306931207
Used 220 HP 2005 Working hours: 7526 No
Source language: Hungarian
100 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 1 year
Transport Bács-Kiskun, Tass
Gépszállítás Mobilház szállítás, akár országosan nemzetköziben, visszfuvarban is, verhetetlen árakon! Traktorok és egyéb gépek szállítása akár 40 tonnáig a legkedvező áron! Csörlős gépszállítóval, alacsony szállítási magassággal, hosszú platóval akár...
Source language: Hungarian
200 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 1 year
Other service Bács-Kiskun, Lajosmizse
Mezőgazdasági eszközök szállítása 1-34 tonna között, a legjobb áron akár több eszköz szállítása egyszerre!! Túlméret 3.2 méter szélességig és 4,3 méter magasságú áruig, ezt meghaladva eseti engedéllyel. Vállaljuk minden típusú működő és...
Automatic translation
Highlighted Advertiser for 8 years
Baler, round baler Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúböszörmény
KRONE Roun Pack 1550, good condition baler for sale. Ready for immediate use. In good condition. Reliable. Mesh binding. Bale ramp. Rotary pick-up. Tel: +36 (70) 144-1949
2009 System: 0-80 HP Fix chambered
Source language: Hungarian
Highlighted Advertiser for 7 years
TOP partner
Other Bács-Kiskun, Baja
ÚJ DEUTZ-FAHR 6135C UNIVERZÁLIS TRAKTOR EGYEDI AKCIÓBAN A DORKERTŐL! PRÉMIUM KATEGÓRIÁS 135 LE-S UNIVERZÁLIS TRAKTOR KEDVEZŐ ÁRON A KÉSZLET EREJÉIG! Főbb műszaki paraméterek: Maximális teljesítmény: 136 LE Stage 5 common rail 4 hengeres motor kedvező...
136 HP 2024 Working hours: 0 No RPM: 540/540E/1000/1000E Powershift gearbox EHR 4-wheel brake Additional weighting

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