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Special offers
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 years
Telescopic loader Bács-Kiskun, Lakitelek
Eladó új MR3000 teleszkópos 2 tonnás derékcsuklós kerekes rakodó Euro 5 motorral! A géphez elektromos joystick, klíma, MP3 lejátszó, szervizdoboz, tolatókamera, 3 hidraulikakör kiépítés, gyorscsatlakozó, 4 az 1-ben nyitható kanál. Motor teljesítménye...
2023 75 HP Hydrostatic Loading weight: 2000 kg Air conditioner
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 years
Lathe, lathe Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Other Győr-Moson-Sopron, Rábapatona
Tractor for sale in good technical and aesthetic condition, as shown in the pictures! With 8100 hours, single and dual air brakes, good air conditioning, three hydraulic circuits, 540/1000 eko gimbal! Electric steering gear, electric rear hydraulic...
Used 97 HP 2003 Working hours: 8100 No With valid documents RPM: 540/540E/1000 Synchronous gearbox EHR 4-wheel brake Additional weighting
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other harrows Zala, Szentgyörgyvölgy
4 méteres, nagyon jó állapotú gép, keveset használt! Elmunkáló hengerrel, Vetőgép kapcsolószerkezettel!
Used Working width: 400 cm 2010 System: 80-120 HP Suspended Not collapsible
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 14 years
Grain seeder Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Szerencs
4 m mulcher, with short disc row, new seed discs, seed cover stick, equipped with tracer. Tel.: +36 30 585 6292
Used 2008 Working width: 400 cm Plate For sowing in mulch and direct sowing Hydraulic coulter pressure adjustment Cultivation path switching Single disc coulter
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Fotrak Veszprém, Veszprém
Cégünk a Novatech Economic Shandong cég generál importőre, így az általuk gyártott Fotrak traktorokat és munkaeszközöket kizárólagos joggal hozzuk be az országba, forgalmazzuk és biztosítjuk a szerviz (alkatrész) hátterét. A Novatech Economic...
50 HP 2023 Working hours: 1 Yes With valid documents RPM: 540/1000 Push gear gearbox Front hydraulics Additional weighting
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Self-propelled sprayer Fejér, Sárbogárd (Sárszentmiklós)
For sale is the Tecnoma Laser type self-propelled sprayer shown in the pictures. Year of manufacture 1998, equipped with 28 m frame, 3000 litre tank, chemical mixer, all-wheel steering. It currently has 5576 operating hours. You can view the machine...
Used 3000 l Working width: 2800 cm 1998
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Trailed arable sprayer Pest, Tök
For sale from Bogyoszló farm, due to liquidation of the farm. Barely used, 5 years old machine. - Topcon automatic sectioning with 6 sections + automatic volume control - Fully hydraulic, paralelogram lifting, self-adjusting spreading frame - 1-inch...
Used 3000 l Working width: 18 cm 2019 On-board computer Height adjustment
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 12 years
Combinator, compactor Csongrád-Csanád, Balástya
For sale Vaderstad NZ Agressiv 800, normal condition. More information by phone.
Used Towed Hydraulically
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Solis 75 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
For sale Solis 75 CRDi, from small family farm, 2056 hours, fully serviced, manufactured 2019, stored indoors, mainly used in orchard, fresh shifts, excellent condition.
Used 75 HP 2019 Working hours: 2058 No With valid documents
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Other loader Baranya, Lippó
JCB 531-70 2008 gyártási évű rakodógép eladó. Kifogástalan állapotú kevés üzemórás gép. Felújított fékrendszer, és adagoló. A rakodógép műszakiztatható.
Used 2008
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Big baler Bács-Kiskun, Szank
For sale, or exchangeable for combine, ready for the season!
Used 2006
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
CLAAS Somogy, Somogysárd
For sale a regularly maintained Claas Mega 208 combine harvester with grain table. Replaced and repaired in recent years: - replacement of the collection table, - drum basket replacement, - replacement of discharge auger, - replacement of wooden...
Used 1998
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 7 years
Corn adapter Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúdorog
Folding Geringhoff corn adapter. The adapter is in perfect condition.
Used 2008
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
5820 Fejér, Sárszentmihály
I am looking for a 5820 John Deere tractor for sale, VAT excluded.
Used With valid documents 2003
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
8270 Baranya, Véménd
For sale the tractor shown in the picture, from daily use, ready to work. 260 HP 12 thousand hours 1-2 round air brake 4 remote hydraulics Front hydraulics Air conditioning 90% tyres License plate, registration, technical ok. Fitted with John Deere...
Used 260 HP 2005 Working hours: 12000 No With valid documents RPM: 540/540E/1000 Powershift gearbox 4-wheel brake Front hydraulics Additional weighting
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Self-propelled sprayer Békés, Kevermes
For sale is a fully mechanical MTZ self-propelled garden tox sprayer with TEEJET system, 175 cm belly height. The sprayer is equipped with a 1100 litre, 20 metre frame, air intake nozzles, chemical mixer and chemical washer. It is sold with 2 new...
Used 1100 l Working width: 20 cm 2003
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 years
Dial Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszaroff
For sale 1 2017, 6 meter MULTIVA short disc! Good condition for its age!
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
MTZ-820 Győr-Moson-Sopron, Szany
Mtz 920.3, 2008. 11 months old, only 890 real running hours, 4 years service, factory, excellent condition, for sale with purchase. Price: 9.5M
Used 90 HP 2008 Working hours: 890 No
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 weeks
Slicing machine Bács-Kiskun, Lajosmizse
Eladó a képeken látható Balfor Continental 480 tüzifa automata. A gép 480 mm-es vágási kapacitással, nagy teljesítményű hidraulikus láncfűrésszel, 22 tonnás hasítóval. A kezelőszervei elektronikus joystickkal működnek, és a DOMEX® anyagból készült...
Used 2022
Source language: Hungarian
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 9 years
Other Veszprém, Pápa
Eladó nagyon jó állapotban lévő, mindig karbantartott nagyon szép Magnum. -Jó gumik -Klíma -Fronthidraulika -Érvényes műszaki Megbízható, hibátlan műszaki állapot!
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
5510 Komárom-Esztergom, Vértessomló
John Deere 5510 N WITH HOMECLEANER 2003 year, 9054 hours, cab-engageable all-wheel drive, 4 pairs of hydraulic outlets, air conditioning, trailer hitch, front weight rack, air suspension seat, horizontal exhaust, 540/540E/1000 rpm. Own weight: 2930...
Used 80 HP 2003 Working hours: 9054 Yes With expired documents RPM: 540/540E/1000 Additional weighting
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 month
Application auger, grain blower Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Fényeslitke
Description: - The device is specially designed for the transhipment of cereals - 19.7 hours of operation (was a demonstration machine) - All accessories are complete: piping, suction heads, gimbal connection - 9000-10000 BPH capacity ~ 100 tons per...
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 months
Seed drill Békés, Békésszentandrás
Dear Interested Party! For sale is the John Deere 1770 12 row seed drill, 12 row seed drill, in good condition. Details: Year: 2012 Condition: suitable for use, in working order. In the last 2 years, a good number of parts/parts/elements have been...
Used 2012 System: 120-180 HP Working width: 914 cm Plate Pneumatic Sowing control
Automatic translation
9.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 years
Goldoni Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
For sale is a 2015 vintage tractor with 4 hours of operation. YES, 4 HOURS!!!! Has not worked on anything yet. Time to get to work! Goldoni Ronin 50; 48 hp; 4-cylinder Lombardini engine; switchable all-wheel drive; 12/12 gearbox; air-conditioned cab....
Used 48 HP 2015 Working hours: 4 No RPM: 540E/1000 Synchronous gearbox

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