Special offers
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100 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 1 year
Transport Bács-Kiskun, Lajosmizse
Machine transport with combine harvester cutting table, transport of agricultural equipment at the best price, even transport of several machines at the same time! Mobile homes, containers, transport and cranes nationwide, any size! I undertake the...
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Crate, compartment, barrel, seedling tray, pallet, bag Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
This is what you need for branch breakers For sale is a mouth-bound, densely woven raschel bag, size 60 x 95 cm. The problem with many bags is that when put on the bagging adapter, the center is constricted due to its elasticity, so the wood gets...
Source language: Hungarian
1.110 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 10 years
Sprayer parts Budapest, Budapest
Folyékony műtrágya kijuttató fúvóka,:-5 nyílású-60 fokos-Ideális nyomás: 1-6 barig-SW8 záróanya illeszkedik hozzá Rendkívül alacsony eltolódási potenciál és veszteségcsökkentő hatás a nyomás tartományban 3,0 bar-ig. A táblázatban megadott értékek...
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1.150 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Other Heves, Gyöngyös
Net prices: Z-C 100/1.5 galvanized coil: .-/ fm Z-C 120/1.5 galvanized steel: .-/ fm Z-C 150/1.5 galvanized coil: .-/ fm Z-C 150/2 galvanised coil: .-/ fm Z-C 180/1.5 galvanised coil: .-/ fm Z-C 200/1.5 galvanised coil: .-/ fm All these types are...
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2.799 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 10 years
Spray nozzles Budapest, Budapest (III. kerület)
The Agroplast 7-hole liquid fertilizer sprayer nozzle creates dense spray jets that eliminate drift and greatly reduce the risk of leaf burn. The interchangeable dosing valve provides a convenient and economical solution for meeting the fertilizer...
Source language: Hungarian
3.500 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 7 years
Poultry, hen, chicken Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
20 db felett szállítas kerheto Bábolnai 18 hetesTETRA SL tojohibrid jerce RENDELHETO Kecskeméten Allatorvosi igazolásssl szalmonellamentes teleprol afas szamlaval ATVETEL szeptber 7 en 100 db felett kérjen egyedi árat Kerem telefonon hivjon
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14.589 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 8 years
Cultivator of plantations Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
The in-house demonstration machine. It's not just a simple, everyday planting cultivator, but a piece that can work on the tillers at the same time, so you can do two jobs at the same time. It can be viewed and purchased at our premises. Agromet...
Source language: Hungarian
Highlighted Advertiser for 11 years
Seed drill Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske (Tiszabög)
Cseréld gumi tömörítő kereked fémre, egyszerűen! A fém tömörítőkerék Európában kizárólag nálunk kapható. A fém kerék drasztikusan jobb kelési arányt tesz lehetővé, és egy-egy fém kerék élettartama jóval hosszabb, mint gumiból készült társáé. A...
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29.900 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Maize Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Pátroha
PK-001 - The real corn! Order your 2025 maize now at our great prices, with free delivery to your door! Delivery at your convenience, payment on delivery. Our varieties are excellent for both grain and silage! Key features of PK-001: - early sowing...
Automatic translation
29.900 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Maize Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Pátroha
The 2025 offer of Pátroha Maize is now available! Order your 2025 maize now at our great prices! Our varieties are available from 29 900 HUF/bag (70 000 grains). Delivery at the time you request, payment on receipt. For more information, please visit...
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32.900 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Maize Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Pátroha
PK-002 - The real corn! Order your 2025 maize now at our low prices, with free delivery to your door! Delivery at your convenience, payment on delivery. Our varieties are excellent for both grain and silage! Key features of PK-002: - early sowing is...
Source language: Hungarian
33.900 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
IBC container Bács-Kiskun, Imrehegy
Használt tiszta, kiváló minőségű 1050 literes IBC tartályok / konténerek ELADÓK! Kínálunk 1 x használt tiszta IBC tartályokat már nettó 33900 Ft/db ártól is! KEDVEZMÉNYES kiszállítás Magyarország egész területén - ill. külföldre is! Felhasználás:...
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34.900 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Maize Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Pátroha
Pátrohai Maize - The real corn! PK-004 Organic Maize pre-order SPECIAL OFFER! - A new direction in breeding! Order now your 2025 maize at our low prices, even with free home delivery! Delivery on your requested date, payment on receipt. Our varieties...
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35.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 1 year
Corn adapter Pest, Nagykőrös
Olimac DRAGO GT corncob crusher 8 rows, fixed Sorting distance: 75 cm Year of production: 2018 - With double stem crusher - With height guidance system - Line tracking **Price includes:** - Full workshop refurbishment - Fitting to your preferred...
Automatic translation
83.610 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 15 years
Other seed drill parts Hajdú-Bihar, Hajdúszoboszló
Factory new DIGITROLL DS4000i/4 optomodule, 4 head sensor photocell for pneumatic grain drills for sale. Data required for ordering: - Seeder type (inner diameter of the seed tube 30 or 32 mm) - DIGITROLL monitor exact designation (e.g. Seed Master...
Automatic translation
101.850 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 11 years
Tire Budapest, Budapest (XXIII. kerület)
TVS Eurogrip is a subsidiary of TVS Srichakra Limited, one of India's leading manufacturers of agricultural and industrial tyres. With its world-class research capabilities and cutting-edge technology, TVS Srichakra is a leading tyre...
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120.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 1 year
Fertilizer spreader Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunfélegyháza
For sale 2 fertilizer spreaders. The larger one is a mosh spreader, hydraulic opening and closing, 1500 litres, plus elevated! 265 thousand + VAT. The smaller spreader holds 2 big bag sacks. 120 thousand. Transport possible.
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131.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 11 years
Tire Budapest, Budapest (XXIII. kerület)
Sinaopt Ltd. Sinaopt KFT is an official distributor of MRL tyres with a 7 year warranty. Official distributor of MRL tyres. The journey of MRL (Malhotra Group of Industries) began in 1954 with the vision and desire of C.L. Malhotra to create the...
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150.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 14 years
CLAAS Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunhalas
New wheat, maize, universal, insert drum bins for Claas, John-Deere, New-Holland, Case-IH, Deutz-Fahr, Laverda, Fend etc. Low prices, 3 years warranty.
Automatic translation
174.009 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 2 months
Chainsaw Pest, Vecsés
The ECHO CSB-4310SX is the version of the CS-4310SX/45 chainsaw without chain guide and chain. The machine is now supplied with a gift chain guide and chain, the gift is not the ECHO factory accessory. The chainsaw has the best power-to-weight ratio...
Source language: Hungarian
Other sowing machine, planter Somogy, Kaposvár
FLIEGL APRóMAG SZóRó ÚJ, KEDVEZŐ ÁRON, GARANCIÁVAL! Főbb jellemzők: Ár:299000 huf Egyéb Fő használat: Köztes termények, trágya- és mikro granulátumok, fűfélék utóvetése, pelletmagvak, silózó anyagokhoz is Műszaki adatok: Meghajtás 12 V-os motorral...
Source language: Hungarian
Tractor additional weight Somogy, Kaposvár
NG 650 VASBETON TöMBSúLY CAT2.0-JD ZöLD ÚJ, KEDVEZŐ ÁRON, GARANCIÁVAL! Főbb jellemzők: Ár:824 euro Egyéb Jellemzők: Tömeg: 650 kg Anyaga: beton Az előretolt súlypont a tengelyre nehezedő súly nagyobb hatékonyságát eredményezni A tömbsúly...
Automatic translation
332.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 9 years
Car and small tractor trailer Budapest, Budapest (XI. kerület)
New trailers with 3 years warranty! New trailers from 332.000 Ft gross - Tpv-Böckmann trailer - Martz trailer - Faro Polish trailer - Böckmann German trailers and horseboxes - Humbaur German trailers and horseboxes - French Trigano Leader trailers -...
Automatic translation
370.071 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 2 months
Chainsaw Pest, Vecsés
ECHO CS-7310SX 100% Japanese machine, 5 years warranty for private use, 2 years for contractors! The most powerful ECHO professional saw with high torque, specially designed for logging. Easy to handle thanks to its good balance, which increases the...
Automatic translation
460.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 13 years
Other forestry tools Pest, Hévízgyörk
Seedling planter for sale in good condition.
- Agricultural machine, tool (53.183)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (401)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (7.094)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (628)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (5.092)
- Food industry machinery (656)
- Forestry machines (2.111)
- Fruit growing machines (737)
- Garden machine (396)
- Harverster (1.307)
- Loaders and construction machinery (5.659)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (2.072)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (16)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (302)
- Seeder, planter (1.869)
- Small tractor (701)
- Sprayer (1.675)
- Tillage machines (9.909)
- Tractor (3.132)
- Tractor accessories (452)
- Trailer (2.276)
- Utility machine (1.142)
- Vegetable growing machines (892)
- Viticulture machinery (703)
- Waste treatment machines (1.022)
- Wildlife management tools (5)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (2.933)
- Animal (1.187)
- Bee, Apiary (37)
- Cat (7)
- Cattle (173)
- Dog (185)
- Donkey (8)
- Fish, Fishing (39)
- Goat (27)
- Horse (64)
- Offense (309)
- Other animal (36)
- Rabbit (43)
- Sheep (110)
- Wild, Hunting (8)
- Winged (140)
- Job (362)
- Animal husbandry works (148)
- Commercial, management work (29)
- Construction work (5)
- Delivery, storage, site work (10)
- Engineer (4)
- Food industry work (1)
- Forester, Fisherman, Beekeeper, Hunter work (2)
- Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic (82)
- Office work (9)
- Other agricultural work (64)
- Plant cultivation works (8)
- Property (2.037)
- Closed garden, plot (50)
- Commercial building, cold store (28)
- Commercial real estate (22)
- Container (126)
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- Farmland, arable land, land (517)
- Foil house, greenhouse, horticulture (89)
- Forest, plantation (260)
- Fruity, grapes (122)
- Industrial property (327)
- Lake, fishpond, reedbed (9)
- Mine (11)
- Other agricultural property (43)
- Other property (55)
- Pasture, reeds, meadow (58)
- Residential property (93)
- Part (43.312)
- Animal husbandry machine part (56)
- Car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle parts (440)
- Food industry machine parts (12)
- Fruit growing and viticulture machine parts (10)
- Garden machine parts (185)
- General machine parts (5.698)
- Harvester parts (4.655)
- Loader and construction machine parts (1.436)
- Lubricants, service materials (182)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation components (257)
- Other agricultural machine parts (2.025)
- Parts of forestry machines (42)
- Seeder, Seedling machine parts (1.066)
- Sprayer parts (2.524)
- Tillage machine parts (1.843)
- Towing and cargo securing (34)
- Tractor parts (22.099)
- Trailer parts (633)
- Utility machine parts (9)
- Input (898)
- Nutrient supply (341)
- Other input (25)
- Plant propagating material (433)
- Plant protection product (99)
- Service (1.160)
- Animal husbandry, animal breeding (1)
- Application writing (11)
- Construction, execution (144)
- Drone spraying (5)
- Drone survey (5)
- Education (21)
- Expert advice (41)
- Food industry (3)
- Hunting service (1)
- Other service (236)
- Production, manufacturing (37)
- Rental (26)
- Repair (161)
- Storage (16)
- Transport (211)
- Wage work (241)
- Crop (1.966)
- Bio Food (2)
- Cereals (229)
- Dairy product (5)
- Drinks (53)
- Egg (10)
- Field plants (70)
- Forage (1.052)
- Fruit (41)
- Handmade products (8)
- Honey (36)
- Jam (5)
- Meat products (7)
- Mushroom (4)
- Oils (8)
- Other crops (38)
- Other food (14)
- Pine tree (16)
- Seeds, shell fruit (48)
- Solo (16)
- Spice (8)
- Sugar (8)
- Vegetables (130)
- Wooden goods (158)
- Other (14.386)
- Building material (150)
- Energy, renewable energy (157)
- Fishing, fishing (12)
- Games (235)
- Garden tools (122)
- Hunting (39)
- Operating and handling instructions (101)
- Other (12.515)
- Tools, containers, supplies (427)
- Work clothes, work protection (628)