Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper 726 Advertisements

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Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
- Large size chip drum. - Produces high quality wood chips for use in the energy sector. - Equipped with modern "NoStress" and "noblock" systems. - Suitable for forestry work, but also for agricultural purposes. - It can produce...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Knife (pcs): 1 Hammer (pieces): 6 Counter knife (pcs): 1 Chopping capacity (m3): 2-3 Chopper size (cm): 10x11,5 Tine diameter (cm): 5 Power (HP): 5,5 Drive: HONDA GX160 Weight (kg): 70 The NEGRI BIO R70 shredders shred plant waste from the...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Knife (pieces): 4 Hammer (pcs): 20 Counter knife (pcs): - Chipping capacity (m3): 25-30 Chopper size (cm): 39x18 Digging diameter (cm): 18 Power (HP): 60 Drive: TLT Weight (kg): 1125 The NEGRI BIO R340 professional branch chipper is recommended by...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Knife (pieces): - Hammer (pcs): 68 Counter knife (pcs): - Chipping capacity (m3): 40-60 Chopper size (cm): 64x20 Plough diameter (cm): 20 Power (HP): 90 Drive: TLT Weight (kg): 3200 The NEGRI BIO R640 is the top-of-the-range machine. The manufacturer...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Bevelled cutting edge makes chopping wood easier. Reduced fuel consumption for chipper operation. Maximum wood diameter 260-280 mm. The GANDINI CHIPPER 09-13 knife trimmers are recommended for chipping woody trimmings in plantations, parks and public...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
- It can shred very irregular and bulky materials. - Shredded material can be arranged in adjustable height stacks. - Produces adjustable size clippings. - Maximum productivity with super powerful hydraulic motors. - Remote control option (optional)....
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
- Wood sawing for medium-sized applications. - Quick removal and installation of cutting blades. - High reliability and durability. - Powerful hydraulic traction rollers. - Easy access for maintenance. - Maximum tree diameter: 10-18 cm. The GANDINI...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Key features: ➤ Petrol branch chipper with large feed hopper ➤ Rotor: 2 knives + 10 hammers + 1 counter knife ➤ Chipping capacity: 2 t/h ➤ Garden size: 16,2×13 cm ➤ Chopped branch diameter: up to 13 cm ➤ Sharpenable knife (hardened steel) ➤...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Knife (pieces): 2 Hammer (pcs): 8 Counter knife (pcs): - Shredding capacity (m3): 6-7 Chopper size (cm): 16x9 Tine diameter (cm): 9 Power (HP): 13 Engine: HONDA GX390 Weight (kg): 400 The NEGRI BIO R225 branch chippers are professional machines...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Pest, Szada
Knife (pieces): 2 Hammer (pcs): 10 Counter knife (pcs): 1 Shredding capacity (m3): 6-7 Chopper size (cm): 16x9 Digging diameter (cm): 9 Power (HP): 15 Drive: electric 3 phase Weight (kg): 340 NEGRI BIO R185 branch chippers are recommended by the...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 250 PTOK - forestry disc chipper up to 25 cm branch diameter - with MOWI P30 crane. TP PILOT - equipped with overload protection. Power requirements: 60 - 140 HP. Accessories: cardan...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
UFKES GREENTEC CHEETAH 30-80 disc shredder, not only for arborists. Tandem chipper mounted on a tandem chassis, with crane feed - all up to 3500 kg gross weight. The power source is a 4-cylinder KUBOTA - 75 HP diesel engine. Maximum branch diameter:...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 270 PTO - forestry disc chipper up to 27 cm branch diameter. TP PILOT - equipped with overload protection. Power requirement: 100 - 200 HP. Accessories: cardan shaft. Available with...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. For sale new TP 175 PTO type, tractor-driven branch shredder. Chopping diameter: 17,5 cm. TP PILOT - equipped with overload protection. Power requirement: 40 - 90 HP. Accessories: - W400 PTO...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 215 Mobile ZE - all-electric, compact, battery-powered shredder with 3 different battery packs available. Communal disc chipper for branches up to 215 mm branch diameter. TP PILOT -...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Budapest, Budapest (XIII. kerület)
Tisztelt Termelők! A ZANON B sorozatú ágaprítói megbízható, strapabíró, minőségi munkagépek. Készletről elérhető rövid szállítási határidővel! Vásároljon Ön is közvetlen a Gyári viszonteladótól! Jellemzői: Az ágaprítók speciális gépek, melyek...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Traktorra három pontos felfogatással rögzíthető, kardán hajtással működő gallydaráló, végén lendkerékkel. Maximum 5 centiméter ágvastagsághoz. A tengelyen 4 db késtartó van, a pengék rugóacélból, svédacélból készülnek az éltartósság miatt. Gyors és...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 400 PTOK - forestry disc chipper up to 40 cm branch diameter - with MOWI 400 crane. TP PILOT - equipped with overload protection. Power requirements: 200 - 400 HP. Accessories: cardan...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 12 years
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Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
A legtöbb modell biharkeresztesi és dunavecsei telephelyünkön megtekinthető. Az Urban SMH70 egy 7KW /10LE/ teljesítményű Briggs&Stratton benzinmotorral működik, mely a szeletelő egység meghajtásáról egy ékszíjhajtással gondoskodik. A gép...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 3 years
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Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Kisvárda
Új DEMAROL termékek kedvező áron a VIP AGRO Kft. kínálatában, közvetlenül az importőrtől! Kiszállítást vállalunk az ország egész területén! Demarol R12 készletről elérhető Főbb jellemzők A vágandó anyag maximális vastagsága: 120 mm • A forgács...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 230 PTO - forestry disc chipper up to 23 cm branch diameter. TP PILOT - equipped with overload protection. Power requirement: 50 - 120 HP. Accessories: cardan shaft. Available with...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 176 Mobile ZE - all-electric, compact, battery-powered shredder with 3 different battery packs available. Communal disc chipper, works up to 176 mm branch diameter. TP PILOT -...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 200 PTO - Disc chipper Up to 20 cm branch diameter. Power requirements: 40 - 115 HP. Accessories: PTO shaft, TP PILOT - overload protection. Our products come with a 3-year warranty....
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 176 MOBILE VARIO SPOUT chassis-mounted disc chipper up to 176 mm branch diameter. VARIO SPOUT - adjustable chimney height. Optional motorisation: - KUBOTA STAGE V - 3 cylinder water...
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Advertiser for 8 years
Branch shredder, branch grinder, wood chipper
Reliable shredders for garden, park and forestry work. LINDDANA TP 100 PTO - garden brush chipper up to 10 cm branch diameter. Power requirement: 15-40 HP. Our products come with a 3-year warranty. In case of interest, technical specifications and...

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