Other forestry tools 153 Advertisements
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
The FAE DML/SSL Forestry Stem Crusher is designed for 50-75 HP front-end loader machines, capable of crushing bushes and branches up to 12 cm in diameter. They are the ideal choice for crushing vegetation, providing high productivity and shredding...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
The FAE SCL/SSL forestry stump grinder is designed for 75-120 HP front-end loaders. With this milling head, large stumps and roots can be chopped to a depth of up to 50 cm. The hydraulically controlled side excursion allows you to work over large...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
The FAE PATRIZIO NATURAL CUTTER is suitable for processing trees, branches and shrubs up to 15 cm branch diameter, and is also excellent for shredding and mulching pruning waste. The crusher's rotor is equipped with Bite Limiter technology, the...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
The FAE BL1/SSL/VT forestry shredder is specially designed for min. 45 - max. 65 HP for mini loader, front loader, bobcat machines. It can be used to crush bushes, branches and trees up to 25 cm in diameter. Thanks to the innovative Bite Limiter...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
The FAE BL0/EX forestry shredder can be used with 2-4 tonne excavators and can shred material up to 8 cm in diameter. With Bite Limiter technology, this head is the ideal choice for vegetation management as it provides high productivity and...
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Other forestry tools
More information about the machine here: https://www.dcsk.sk/hu/amr-quatromat-poloautomaticky-cirkular/ We have more than 1700 machines on our website! BUY WITHOUT VAT Companies and tradesmen within the European Union member states with an EU tax...
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Other forestry tools
More information about the machine here: https://www.dcsk.sk/hu/amr-odkornovac/ We have more than 1700 machines on our website! BUY WITHOUT VAT Companies and tradesmen within the European Union member states with an EU tax number have the opportunity...
Source language: Hungarian
50.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Other forestry tools Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Eladó Rapidex gyártmányú ládagyártó gépsorunk
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
FAE LANTALPAS forestry shredders from 173 HP up to HP, capable of shredding branches, trees, bushes, stumps and roots up to 50 cm in diameter. FAE forestry machines from the official importer in Hungary, with warranty and service support. More...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
Robust, radio-controlled crawler crushers from 56 HP to 120 HP, suitable for branch and shrub crushing, bush cutting, stump removal, and can also be equipped with a tiller and asphalt cutter head. FAE forestry machines from the official importer in...
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Advertiser for 6 years
Other forestry tools Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Immersion Bath - The VOS Immersion Bath is primarily designed for FIREPLACE installations and users where the lumber needs to be treated with a quick dip surface treatment or impregnation. The unit operates on a tub in tub principle, which pumps the...
Source language: Hungarian
Other forestry tools
MŰSZAKI ADATOKK - a barázda felszántása körülbelül 450 mm mélységig. - a barázda aljának lazítása - a barázda aljának simítása - integrált PTO-hajtású hidraulikarendszer - a szántott barázda szélességének beállítása - 150 kg-os súlyok Több infó a...
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Other forestry tools Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
Stakma Palletmax pallet making machine. As production increases, we offer you the opportunity to increase your efficiency without additional labour. A simple and efficient method for additional production. Reduces production costs such as...
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2.020.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 9 months
Other forestry tools Somogy, Kaposvár
Our SN91 Branch Cutter can easily cut branches up to 200 mm thick. In the agricultural sector, the SN91 is known for its very clean cut, excellent for cutting trees, hedges and bushes. Hydraulically driven branch cutter mounted on a wheel loader,...
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Other forestry tools Somogy, Kaposvár (Toponár)
Our SN91 Branch Cutter can easily cut branches up to 200 mm thick. In the agricultural sector, the SN91 is known for its very clean cut, excellent for cutting trees, hedges and bushes. Hydraulically driven branch cutter mounted on a wheel loader,...
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15.850 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 6 months
Other forestry tools Budapest, Budapest (XIX. kerület)
Motor: Make: Honda Type: GX630 Power (kW/PS): 15,5/20,8 Max revs (rpm): 3600 Set speed (rpm): 2650 (13,2 kW) Number of cylinders: 2 Cooling: air-cooled Fuel: Petrol (Euro 95) Tank capacity (l): 16 Propulsion: Hydrostatic, by 2 hydraulic wheel motors...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
Key features: ➤ Drive: hydraulic / electric (depending on type) ➤ power requirement: 30 HP / 1.5-2.2 kW ➤ cylinder speed control: hydraulic / mechanical ➤ tank: Ø1000-1200 mm ➤ weight: 520-550 kg The COLLINO firewood baler is the ideal solution for...
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Other forestry tools Pest, Szada
Key features: ➤ drive: hydraulic ➤ axle spacing between outer chains: 750-1000 mm ➤ loading length: 3000-5000 mm ➤ maximum load capacity: 1500-3500 kg ➤ number of chains: 2-3 ➤ transportability: tractor ➤ weight: 400-650 kg The COLLINO chain log...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 9 years
Other forestry tools Pest, Érd
Dupla meghajtású erdészeti zúzó, fix rögzítésű kalapácsokkal, mely akár 50 cm cm átmérőjű törzsek, cserjék, bokrok és más fás szárak zúzására alkalmas. 250 cm munkaszélességben 200-350 Le teljesítményű traktorokhoz rendelhető. Talaj szint alatt 20 cm...
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1.850.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 10 years
Other forestry tools Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Abaújlak
I bought in 2021. I planted 14 ha of forest in 2022 and 15 ha in 2025. The following information was on the invoice: Rabaud Mat Eleveur hammer pole beater adapter for tractors - with hydraulic pole guide rollers Tractor-mounted hammer pole beater...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Other forestry tools Békés, Békéscsaba
3 tárcsás, választható JOBB vagy BAL oldali fejegység. Traktor homlokrakodó EURO felfogatással, ill. Teleszkópos rakodógép felfogatással. Tökéletes munkaeszköz gazdaságoknak, erdészeteknek, önkormányzatoknak, vadásztársaságoknak. Viczián Ádám +36 30...
Source language: Hungarian
Other forestry tools
Az erdészeti fogó: 12421 - LG510 kg - 1030mm ECO , az ára: 495,00 eur. 100256 - Fe 510 LG800 kg - 1000mm, az ára: 650,00 eur. 10659 - LG1200kg - 1120mm, az ára: 1.025,00 eur. 12073 - Fe 510 LG1500kg - 1320mm, az ára: 975,00 eur. 120747 - Fe 510...
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460.000 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Other forestry tools Pest, Hévízgyörk
Seedling planter for sale in good condition.
Source language: Hungarian
75.000 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 8 years
Other forestry tools Fejér, Mór
Valódi üzemóra állás 10000 óra, vásárlás előtt kipróbálható! További információk telefonon. Az ár leszállítva a vevő telephelyére értendő. Uniós adószámmal Áfa mentesen is megvásárolható.
Source language: Hungarian
690.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 13 years
Other forestry tools Pest, Hévízgyörk