Grader, ground plane, cutting box 32 Advertisements

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Automatic translation
1.350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
For sale! Russian towed motorbike Operational, working condition, vintage 1990. Agricultural machinery exchange/credit possible. On request, reasonably priced delivery. For more machinery offers, follow us on Facebook.
Source language: Hungarian
110.000 EUR
Advertiser for 14 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box Hajdú-Bihar, Ártánd
Volvo G976 gréder, 2015-ös évjárat, 19800 kg önsúly, 6 hengeres 202 kW-os Volvo motor, 6x6 meghajtás, klima, munkára fogható állapotban. Az árat a napi euró/forint árfolyam szerint számoljuk! Uniós Adószámmal rendelkezőknek 0% Áfa . Teljes...
Used 2015
Automatic translation
145.900 EUR
Advertiser for 4 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box
Caterpillar 140GC grader / 2019 / 6.965 hours / Leasing from 20% Net purchase and net lease from 20% Engine: Caterpillar C7.1, 6-cylinder, 131 kW (175 hp), turbo Weight: 17,390 kg Reversible: yes Ripper: Yes Tyre condition: New For more information,...
Used 2019
Automatic translation
65.000 EUR
Advertiser for 14 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box Hajdú-Bihar, Ártánd
Vammas RG281 grader, year 2004, 7000 running hours, 18 tons deadweight, 6 cylinder, 209 kW Cummins engine, 6x4 drive, front and centre shuttle, ready to work. The price is calculated according to the daily euro/forint exchange rate! 0% VAT for EU VAT...
Used 2004
Automatic translation
14.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box Bács-Kiskun, Kiskunmajsa
For sale! Volvo G780 Champion grader 6x4 Year 2000, 10 400 running hours, 19 380 kg curb weight, cruising speed 40 km/h, 6x4 drive, air conditioned, 70% tyres. Red plates, tested for slow vehicle. Good condition, for sale from work. Agricultural...
Used 19,4 t
Automatic translation
82.900 EUR
Advertiser for 4 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box
Volvo G960C Gréder / 2015 / 7.641 hours / Leasing from 20% Net purchase and net leasing from 20% Weight: 17.580 kg Engine power: 209 kW Dimensions: 9.30 x 2.75 x 3.21 m 6x4 drive Air conditioning Radio Camera Extra hydraulic function 17.5R25 tyres...
Used 2015
Source language: Hungarian
3.500.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Grader, ground plane, cutting box Kecskemét
Mumgép FG 200 gréder kb 3 napot dolgozott bemutatón. Ezzel a munkagéppel átmenetet biztosítunk olyan ügyfeleink számára, akik kisebb (80-100 LE) és erősebb traktorokkal is rendelkeznek. Ez a gép már teljesen elektrohidraulikus, nagy előnye, hogy...

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