Suspended trencher, excavator 75 Advertisements
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Suspended trencher, excavator Hajdú-Bihar, Berettyóújfalu
Daniele & Giraudo DG250 trencher adapter/tractor mounted excavator - new - tractor with 3. point hitch - 2945 mm max. working depth - 2500 mm max. lifting height - 3810 mm max. overhang - 770 kg dead weight (without adapter) - with 180° right...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
VAT-FREE SHOPPING Companies and sole traders within the European Union and with an EU Community tax number have immediate access to our products and machinery at net prices. More information about the machine here:...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 14 years
Suspended trencher, excavator Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! Kiváló minőségű, profi , olasz árokásó gépek eladók. A traktor 3 pontos felfüggesztésére szerelhető, saját hidraulika rendszerrel , és a gépen kialakított irányítóüléssel rendelkezik. 180 fokban forgatható karral, mozgatható...
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Suspended trencher, excavator Pest, Göd (Alsógöd)
Due to fluctuations in the € exchange rate, please contact our colleagues for current prices, stock and availability. Side-moving 5 models 1,8 - 2,9 m depth Fixed design 6 models 1,2 - 2,7 m depth 2 years warranty Durable frame construction and...
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Suspended trencher, excavator Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
New BHM 95 gimbal excavator from stock. Tractor driven trencher with separate hydraulic pump, mounted on three-point linkage. BHMS model. Robust excavator driven by the tractor's cardan shaft. Its own hydraulic pump powers the entire excavator...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 16 years
Suspended trencher, excavator Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Mezőtúr
niverzálisan használható,árkok ásására, tisztítására,fa,trágyafélék és ömlesztett anyagok rakodására, valamint kommunális és újrafelhasználási munkákban. Választható munkaeszközei: mélyásó kanál kónikus és kényszervezérlésű kidobóval, árokásó kanál,...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E28 A range of suspended excavators specifically designed for use on agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consisting of 9 models that...
Source language: Hungarian
Suspended trencher, excavator Pest, Göd (Alsógöd)
Az € árfolyam ingadozása miatt az aktuális árak, készlet és felszereltség miatt keresse kollégáinkat. Fix kialakítású 6 modell 1,2 - 2,7m mélység Oldal mozgatós 5 modell 1,8 - 2,9m mélység Tartós vázszerkezet és kanalak a mindennapi használathoz....
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Suspended trencher, excavator
VAT-FREE SHOPPING Companies and sole traders within the European Union and with an EU Community tax number have immediate access to our products and machinery at net prices. SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - JANSEN BHM-225...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
More information about the machine here: More than 700 machines are available on our website! VAT FREE SHOPPING Companies and sole traders within the European Union and...
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1.082.400 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 years
Suspended trencher, excavator Bács-Kiskun, Tiszakécske
Dear Producers! GEO ATV backhoe towable ditching adapter with 9 HP engine. Boom distance: 2150 mm Bucket width: 300 mm Digging angle: 120°. Weight: 446 kg Price: ATV backhoe trenching adapter: 1.082.400 Ft + VAT Need parts? On Agroshop you can find...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E21 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use with agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consists of 9 models...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 16 years
Suspended trencher, excavator Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Mezőtúr
lkalmas: árkok, csatornák ásásra, tisztítására, gömbfák, nyesedékek, szálas takarmányok, trágya félék, ömlesztett áruk: föld, homok, gabonafélék továbbá a legkülönbféle kommunális anyagok rakodására. Építőiparban: épületek alapásásához, föld és egyéb...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E15 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use with agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consists of 9 models...
Source language: Hungarian
Suspended trencher, excavator Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Traktor 3-pontjára csatlakoztatható árokásógépek Egyszerű, megbízható, könnyen kezelhető gépek, mezőgazdasági üzemeknek, önkormányzatoknak többirányú felhasználásra Alapfelszereltség: - önálló hidraulikarendszer - működtetés kihelyezett ülésről -...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
Many other machines are available on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR LOADERS - UEMME E35 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use on loaders, compact loaders or front-end loaders, consists of 7 models...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E17 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use on agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consists of 9 models...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E35 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use with agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consists of 9 models...
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Suspended trencher, excavator Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győr
BHM175 gimbal trencher Tractor driven trencher with separate hydraulic pump, mounted on a three-point linkage. Model BHM. Robust excavator driven by the tractor's cardan shaft. Its own hydraulic pump powers the entire excavator system. Model...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E24 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use with agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consists of 9 models...
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Suspended trencher, excavator Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
New Everun gripper adapter, 35 cm spoon width, 0,02 m³ spoon volume, Euro tool grip. 2 functions from 1 hydraulic circuit: gripping and turning sideways. Option: Electrohydraulic travel switch, which allows switching between functions: + 150.000 Ft +...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
Many other machines are available on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR TRACTOR - UEMME E30 Our range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, consists of 9 models that combine...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
We have many other machines on offer on our website! Designed specifically for use on agricultural tractors from 15 to 100 hp, the range of suspended excavators consists of 9 models that combine power and dexterity with...
Source language: Hungarian
980.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 9 years
Suspended trencher, excavator Zala, Bocfölde
BK-215 hárompontra szerelhető. Ásási mélység 2200 mm Fordulás - 180 fok Rakodási mag. 2120 mm Központi elérési távolság -3200 mm Kanál 12 col Kanál fordulása 160 fok Súly -415 kg Talpak kiterjesztése -1750 mm Teljesítmény igény 25- 50 LE A gép...
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Suspended trencher, excavator
Many other machines are available on our website! SUSPENDED TRENCHER FOR LOADERS - UEMME E24 The range of suspended excavators, specifically designed for use on loaders, compact loaders or front-end loaders, consists of 7 models...