Tillage machines 7.785 Advertisements
Special offers
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Breaker cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győrladamér
HE-VA Tip-Roller 630 star-ring towed roller from HE-VA Hungary: - 6.3 m working width - 6.5 m diameter, 6.5 m length 6.5 m - 60 mm diameter shaft and special bearing arrangement with double compression for perfect dust protection - Adjustable drawbar...
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Breaker cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győrladamér
HE-VA Tip-Roller 820 star 450-500 mm ring-mounted towed roller from HE-VA's Hungarian representative Sz-Agro 2007. Kft: - 8.2 m working width - 2 stone collection pans - 60 mm diameter shaft and special bearing arrangement with double...
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450.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 13 years
Hook harrow Pest, Hévízgyörk
RAU KOMBI 4.4 m borona with double ram, for sale in good condition. Hydraulic closing.
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Breaker cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győrladamér
HE-VA TIP-ROLLER 630 type roller in a wide range of equipment from SZ-AGRO 2007. Ltd. - the Hungarian importer of HE-VA! He-Va Tip Roller 6,3 Cambridge 510 mm cylinder with trowel, coupler, quick change. Standard version: - 2 stone collection pans -...
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Breaker cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Győrladamér
HE-VA Tip-Roller 630 cylinders in a wide range of equipment from SZ-AGRO 2007. Ltd. - the Hungarian importer of HE-VA! Standard equipment: - three-piece roller design with 450/500 mm star (prismatic) rings - 2 stone collection pans - 60 mm diameter...
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Other harrows Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
New Letak LEKO chained lawnmower for sale with delivery to your door from 3 m working width up to 6 m working width, from 550 000 Ft + VAT
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Compaction cylinder Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
New Walder prismatic hydraulically lockable ring cylinders for sale direct from the manufacturer. Available without or with CrossBoard hydraulic smoothing. 10.0/75-15.3 with implement wheels, tracking hitch, ST740 bearing arrangement. With Cambridge,...
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Cultivator, row cultivator Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
New LETÁK LEKO cultivators for sale, with short delivery time and home delivery. Available in a wide range, from 700 000 Ft + VAT. Fixed frame, manual or hydraulic folding, with or without liquid fertilizer sprayer, remote control. For more...
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Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Dunavecse
Wide range of new LEKO combiners for sale, with discount, with home delivery. From 1.1 m working width up to 9.6 m working width, from 500 000 HUF + VAT. Suspended, towed, fixed frame or hydraulically folding. Customized production is also possible....
Source language: Hungarian
Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
Satex Germinátor 4,0 CC magágykészítő kompaktor eladó! Készletről azonnal szállítható!Hidraulikusan csukható vázszerkezet, nyomkövető vonószerkezet, közúti világítás, 400/60-15,5 munkagép kerék. Munkaegységek felépítése: - rugós feszítésű fűrészfogas...
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950 mm spacing! 560 mm between dial faces / 24.50 mm between two faces. LTP2133 WITH BEARING. 1000 mm clearance between the latch and the last row of discs. 2.50 m/min 75/85 hp - 1250 kg packer/throttle roller - 5.450 euro. 3.00 m/min 95/110 hp -...
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1.490.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Compaction cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Dénesfa
Hammerschmidt 450 trailed Cambridge cylinder with hydraulic opening-closing, as shown in the pictures, for sale in ready-to-work condition! Delivery possible! www.agro-koncz.hu
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1.990.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Compaction cylinder Győr-Moson-Sopron, Dénesfa
Heger 450 cm towed Cambridge cylinder with 50 cm diameter rings, hydraulic opening and closing, as shown in the pictures, ready to work, excellent condition! Delivery possible! www.agro-koncz.hu
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2.350.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Gruber Győr-Moson-Sopron, Dénesfa
Mandam 3 m gruber with wedge ring roller, equipped with a turning disc set, new grab tips, as shown in the pictures, for sale in ready to work condition! www.agro-koncz.hu
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2.490.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Harrow disc Győr-Moson-Sopron, Dénesfa
Pöttinger Lion 3 m rotary crane new, with quick-change tines, hydraulic seed drill with hanger, equipped with a roller with fence, as shown in the pictures, ready to work, excellent condition! Delivery possible! www.agro-koncz.hu
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1.650.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Weed comb Győr-Moson-Sopron, Dénesfa
Einböck 6 m weed comb, 7 mm, with 80-90% teeth, hydraulic opening-closing, as shown in the pictures, ready to work, excellent condition! Delivery possible! www.agro-koncz.hu
Source language: Hungarian
1.690.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 16 years
Other harrows Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Tiszavasvári
Fésűs borona 6 m -9 m Tel :0642520170 tiszavasvári
Source language: Hungarian
Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
Satex Germinator 6,5 CC magágykészítő kompaktor eladó! Hidraulikusan csukható, kétféle simítóval, egyenes szárú rugós kapával, elöl pálcás törőhengerrel, hátul dupla sor CrossCill hengerrel! AZONNAL RAKTÁRÓL ingyenesen házhoz szállítva az ország...
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Other tiller Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
Corrected text: 'aaa'
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Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
Source language: Hungarian
8.610.000 HUF +VAT
Dial Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Vásárolja meg gépét FIX 0% THM finanszírozással!* (részletek lent) Az MBV csoport a régió országaiban a gazdák megbízható partnere már évtizedek óta. Bízzon kollégáink szakértelmében és az ILGI vásárlók pozitív visszajelzésében. Tekintse meg a termék...
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5.280.000 HUF +VAT
Highlighted Advertiser for 4 years
Combinator, compactor Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
If it is a soil tillage machine, then only MBV AGRO! Buy directly from the importer, the largest Özduman dealer in the region. The MBV Group has been a reliable partner for farmers in the countries of the region for many years. Trust our colleagues...
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3.230.000 HUF +VAT
Soil loosener Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
MBV Group has been a trusted partner for farmers in the countries of the region for decades. Trust in the expertise of our colleagues and the positive feedback from TERMINATOR customers. See the video of the product in the pictures. TERMINATOR soil...
Source language: Hungarian
4.040.000 HUF +VAT
Soil loosener Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Az MBV csoport a régió országaiban a gazdák megbízható partnere már évtizedek óta. Bízzon kollégáink szakértelmében és a TERMINATOR vásárlók pozitív visszajelzésében. Tekintse meg a termék videót a képek között. TERMINATOR talajlazítók kizárólag az...
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2.400.000 HUF +VAT
Soil loosener Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
MBV Group has been a trusted partner for farmers in the countries of the region for decades. Buy directly from the importer, the largest VIPER distributor in the region. Trust in the expertise of our colleagues and the positive feedback from VIPER...
- Agricultural machine, tool
- Tillage machines (7.785)
- Combinator, compactor (796)
- Cultivator, row cultivator (663)
- Cylinder (669)
- Dial (1.256)
- Gruber (911)
- Harrow, digging harrow (452)
- Plow (757)
- Short dial (373)
- Soil cutter (645)
- Soil loosener (741)
- More