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Copper scythe Pest, Szada
SPIDER ILD01 is one of the oldest products of the manufacturer, launched in 2004. The Red Dot Design award-winning, remote-controlled mulcher is designed for professional users for medium sized areas, including extreme and unstable slopes, up to...
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Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Equipment of basic stem crushers: - Independent hydraulic equipment with piston hydraulics, pump and hydraulic motor. - Transmission (540 min-1 for TLT). - Heat exchanger. - Bowden type, remote controlled hydraulic distribution unit. - Impact...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Power requirement (HP): 70 Arm extension cm: 700 Cartesian: I Weight (kg): 2400 Minimum tractor weight (kg): 3500 The Hymach EMPHASIS TDH M/TC series is recommended for professional users for the maintenance of vegetation in large public parks,...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
"With the latest generation of Kawasaki EFI engines, the SPIDER mower is unbeatable - on any terrain. Key features: - area output: 8500 m2/h - Working width: 123 cm - Maximum slope: 60°. - control: radio remote control - own weight: 387 kg The...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Working width (cm): 125 Weight (kg): 1491 Horizontal projection (cm): 661 The AGRIMASTER GOLDEN SHARK C copper cutters are recommended for cutting road embankments, roadside ditches, gutters, parks, for professional users in both agricultural and...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Working width (cm): 125 Weight (kg): 1370 Horizontal extension (cm): 600 The AGRIMASTER GOLDEN SHARK ZP copper cutters are recommended for cutting vegetation on road embankments, roadside ditches, gullies and parks, for professional users in both...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
The AGRIMASTER SHARK B 540 FRONT is recommended for both agricultural and municipal users for the maintenance of ditches, gullies and roadside areas, as well as for mulching and drying other less well-maintained areas. The advantage of the front...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
The Hymach EXPANSE FLEXOR TPH P/TC series is recommended for professional users for the maintenance of vegetation in large public parks, roadside areas and ditch banks, embankments and for crushing stems. The Hymach EXPANSE FLEXOR TPH P/TC...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
The Hymach EXPANSE TDH P/TC series is recommended for the maintenance of vegetation in large parks, roadside areas and ditch banks and embankments for professional users. Power requirement (HP): 130 Arm reach (cm): 1000 Cart telescope: 2 Weight (kg):...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Working width (cm): 181 Minimum power requirement (HP): 30 TLT (f/p): 540 Weight (kg): 325 Y+I number of blades (pcs): 48+24 The AGRIMASTER XL and XZL hedge trimmers can be used for trimming parks, public areas, road verges and ditches, hedges and...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
We have over a thousand machines in operation and no warranty issues. The Agrimaster Green Shark side-point stem crusher is the perfect choice for efficient and fast mowing and crushing of crop residues. Why does PENDA recommend Agrimaster machines?...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Minimum engine weight: 1800 kg Own weight: 636 kg Number of knives: 40+20 pieces Maximum horizontal reach: 536 cm Working width of head: 122 cm The AGRIMASTER GREEN SHARK is recommended for the maintenance of green vegetation in ditches, gullies,...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Area capacity 4000 m2/h + snowplow, winch also available. SPIDER entered the market in 2004 with the ILD01 remote-controlled lawnmower. This year, 2023, it has been upgraded to outperform the trends. It is equipped with 2 hydraulic motors instead of...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
The AGRIMASTER SHARK RH copper needle bars are recommended for professional users in both agricultural and municipal areas. They are ideal for the maintenance, mowing and grubbing of ditches, gullies and roadside areas, parks. Minimum tractor weight...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
▶ Working width: 226 cm ▶ Thickness: max. 35 cm ▶ Power requirement: 109 HP ▶ Weight: 1753 kg ▶ Fixed hammer ▶ Fixed hammer The AGRIMASTER TF HIDRAULIC SHEARING HEADS are strong and reliable. Attached to the arms of excavators, they are ideal for...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Area capacity 4000 m2/h + snowplow, winch also available. SPIDER entered the market in 2004 with the ILD01 remote controlled mower. This year, in 2023, it has been further developed to surpass the trends. It is now equipped with 2 hydraulic motors...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Pest, Szada
Key features: - rubber-belt remote-controlled mower for sloping areas, maintenance of copper hedges, shrubs and shrubbery for municipal use - fuel tank: 18 litres, petrol-filtered - Power: 26 HP/3600 min-1 - Torque: 55 Nm/2500 min-1 - displacement:...
Source language: Hungarian
748.025 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 11 years
Copper scythe Heves, Hatvan
AGL-165 típusú vízszintes tengelyű kalapácsos szárzúzó hidraulikus oldalmozgatással és dőlésszög állítással. A munkagép ideális árokpartok, útpadkák, gyomos, gazos területek vágására. Műszaki adatok: Vágási szélesség: 165 cm Teljes szélesség: 178 cm...
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Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Manufacturer: Oy ELHO Ab, Republic of Finland Oy ELHO Ltd. ELHO's high outreach copper crushers are designed for Scandinavian conditions. These powerful and reliable machines are excellent for removing the toughest shrubs and brush. The...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 8 years
Copper scythe Pest, Nagykőrös
Zanon TMC 1900 rézsűkasza készletről elérhető! A TMC 1900 kiválóan működik az útközeli zöldövezetekben, ideális fű és gallyak mulcsozására árkokban, szegélyeken, töltéseken és általában szőlő- és gyümölcsösökben. • Állítható munkadőlésszög +90° és...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Copper scythe Csongrád-Csanád, Röszke
Tisztelt Termelők! A ZANON T sorozatú rézsű szárzúzói, mulcsozói megbízható, strapabíró, minőségi munkagépek. Készletről elérhető rövid szállítási határidővel! Vásároljon Ön is közvetlen a Gyári viszonteladótól! Jellemzői: Növényi részek felaprítása,...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Veszprém, Nagyvázsony
Traktorok 3-pontjára csatlakoztatható, karos kihelyezésű rézsűzúzók, útszélek, földszélek, csatornák, gátoldal stb. tisztítására, karbantartására. Teljesítményigény: 110-250 LE. Zúzófej kihelyezés: 7,0-10,5 m - típustól függően. Zúzófej szélesség:...
Source language: Hungarian
3.000 EUR +VAT
Advertiser for 15 years
Copper scythe Csongrád-Csanád, Domaszék
Kalapácsos,hidr.dönthető szárzúzó eladó.Erős ,strapabíró kivitel,5-7cm gallyak zúzására is alkalmas. RMZ160 3100 Eur+áfa RMZ 200 3200 Eur+áfa
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Copper scythe Csongrád-Csanád, Röszke
Olsz gyártmányú karos rézsűkasza Saját olajtartály (140 liter) és kardánhajtású olajpumpa vágás szélesség 100 cm önsúly 1080 kg vágó henger furdulata 3000/perc 40 db Y kés a hengeren vágófej 245 fokban mozog Traktor min 80 Le min 3600 kg min 180 cm...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 4 years
Copper scythe Veszprém, Nagyvázsony
Gyártó: OSMAQ, Spanyolország OSMAQ PILOT karos zúzó a traktor alvázára szerelt segédvázhoz csatlakoztatható gémszerkezettel, földszélek, csatornák, zöldterületek, utak, országutak stb... tisztítására és karbantartására, valamint félig erdős...

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