Cereals 223 Advertisements
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Advertiser for 5 years
Maize Csongrád-Csanád, Szentes
In Hungary, east of the Danube, we buy maize from the 2024 harvest by the truckload. Delivery on schedule, payment at sight, by bank transfer. Toxinos also interested. Price can be quoted upon knowledge of storage location.
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90 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Barley Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Barley for sale in Kecskemét. 500 t. HL 68
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80.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 months
Maize Heves, Erdőtelek
Dried, cleaned maize for sale with toxin test certification. Price: 80 000 Ft/tonne Afla B1 toxin: 4,22 ppb M-06/1:2021 (AflaStar™ R, Romer) HPLC-FLD Afla B2 toxin: 0,56 ppb M-06/1:2021 (AflaStar™ R, Romer) HPLC-FLD Afla G1 toxin: 1,52 ppb...
Automatic translation
7.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Maize Békés, Battonya
Dried maize for sale, bulk machine loading possible for larger quantities, weighing on site.
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16.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Oats Vas, Kemenessömjén
High quality golden yellow oats for sowing from cleaner 160 Ft/kilo for sale.
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Advertiser for 8 years
Oats Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Hangony
This year's cleaned oats are for sale in bulk or bagged.
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85.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Triticale juice Bács-Kiskun, Harkakötöny
Triticale for sale in Harkakötöny!
Source language: Hungarian
300 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 5 years
Other cereals Fejér, Kápolnásnyék
Elado 2024-ben termett kombajntiszta fénymag (kanáriköles). Minimum 100 kg. 300 ft/kg
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6.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Maize Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Corn with cob, crushed combine for sale.
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9.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Maize Veszprém, Csetény
Crushed, dried maize for sale. 9000 Ft/pound
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6.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Oats Békés, Füzesgyarmat
Freshly harvested forage, oats for sale.
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15.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Oats Csongrád-Csanád, Zákányszék
Spring oats for sale suitable for sowing: 10 m
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200 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Millet Hajdú-Bihar, Biharkeresztes
This year's cleaned white millet for sale at 200 Ft/kg. /also for sowing/
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1.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Other cereals Pest, Üröm
Organic certified brown wild millet for sale: 1500 kg Schäffer Mihály, Üröm
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Advertiser for 1 year
Maize Budapest, Budapest (VII. kerület)
Dear Producers! We would like to buy maize, wheat, rape, sunflowers at the highest price of the day, with immediate payment! Also crops with high toxin content! Respectfully: Kovács Béla Mr. Béla B. ARNI 2003 Ltd.
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10.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Wheat Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jászberény
Organic wheat for sale: 8 t, organic triticale: 4 t. 10 000 Ft/g.
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8.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Triticale juice Fejér, Székesfehérvár
Triticale for sale. In Székesfehérvár, Sárszentmihály.
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Advertiser for 5 years
Maize Csongrád-Csanád, Szentes
In Hungary we buy toxic maize in large quantities. We can give you a price if we know the location.
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Advertiser for 5 months
Oats Baranya, Baksa
For sale 6400 kg combine of pure sand oats (Avena strigosa). Price: 800 Ft/kg
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Advertiser for 7 years
Wheat Békés, Orosháza
I would like to buy tested, high quality milling wheat in Békés county above the daily price.
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17.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Millet Hajdú-Bihar, Polgár
900 hundredweight of millet for sale.
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Advertiser for 2 years
Wheat Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Kisvárda
We are looking for feed wheat for sale, delivered from your premises, with prompt payment and delivery. For more information, please call the phone number provided.
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10.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Maize Veszprém, Veszprémgalsa
Dried feed corn for sale in small to large lots or in big bag sacks.
Automatic translation
10.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Maize Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Jászapáti
For sale 60 tons of tested toxin-free maize, 2 varieties available! Available in Yasapati! Small batch 10 000 Ft/mázsa Large batches by agreement.
Automatic translation
90.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Oats Pest, Jászkarajenő
15 tonnes of cleaned oats for sale from storage 90 thousand forints/tonne
- Crop
- Cereals (223)
- Barley (20)
- Maize (72)
- Millet (21)
- Oats (34)
- Other cereals (7)
- Rye (4)
- Sorghum (5)
- Triticale juice (11)
- Wheat (49)