Recommended categories:
Animal husbandry works
Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic
Other agricultural work
Plant cultivation works
Construction work
Automatic translation
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyírtelek
Welcome everyone! I am a 35 years old man, free from harmful addictions, looking for a job as a machine operator, tractor driver in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, within 40 km from Nyírtelek! I have a B or T category driving licence! I have not so...
Source language: Hungarian
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Cattle farm employee Veszprém, Devecser
Sziasztok lovász állast keresek van 3 év tapasztalat és van traktor vezetési i januári kezdéssel ha lehet bentlakásos és ahol párom is tudna dolgozni
Automatic translation
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Shepherd Tolna, Nagydorog
We could be located in a sheep farm or pig farm, more info by phone. I can round, lame, feed.
Automatic translation
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 months
Other office work Vas, Szombathely
I am mainly looking for a job in Vas Vármegye, but if the concept is right, I can work anywhere in the Transdanubian region. I have spent more than 20 years in some areas of IT, some of this knowledge may still be relevant in many places. I spent 7...
Source language: Hungarian
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Animal husbandry works Veszprém, Nemesvámos
Magyarország egyik legszebb kistermelői magánbirtokára keresünk olyan állattartói tapasztalattal (főként tejelő szarvasmarha, ló, és sertés tartásában jártassággal) rendelkező férfi munkaerőt, aki segitségünkre lenne a mindennapi munkában!...
Automatic translation
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Mechanic, service technician Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Kengyel
We are looking for mechanics, machine repairers, technicians for our farm! What we ask: - be open to new things, - demanding of your work, your environment and yourself, - be able to work independently, - have a basic knowledge of IT for precision...
Automatic translation
Salesperson Veszprém, Pápa
We are looking for a mobile agricultural machinery parts salesperson! BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF OUR COMPANY: Since 1990 we have been a successful, dynamically developing, 100% Hungarian-owned company distributing, installing and servicing agricultural...
Automatic translation
348.800 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Cattle farm employee Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Tiszabábolna
I'm looking for a sober, tractor-trained animal keeper for a farm in South-Borsod, for Hungarian grey and beef cattle. Accommodation provided. Payment according to agreement.
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 weeks
Cattle farm employee Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Magy
I am looking for a job as a pet carer, with accommodation. I have more than 10 years of experience, I am skilled in machine operation. You can contact me immediately with any questions.
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
I am looking for a job as a pet carer in Hajdú-Bihar county, with accommodation, further afield by arrangement.
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 13 years
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Hajdú-Bihar, Tépe
I am looking for a tractor driver, machine operator. I need to work in a grain drying plant in addition to growing crops, so I can provide continuous work throughout the year. New machinery, flexible, a good team.
Source language: Hungarian
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Animal breeder specialist Pest, Dabas
Tejelő szarvasmarha telepre keresünk: - fejőt - traktorost - telepi munkást Cégleírás: Tejelő szarvasmarha telepre keresünk: -traktoros -telepi munkás munkakörbe munkatársakat. Önéletrajzokat, vagy bemutatkozó emaileket (elérhetőséggel) az alábbi...
Source language: Hungarian
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Somogy, Karád
Kedves olvasó! Zrínyi Márknak hívnak, 19 éves vagyok, és Mezőgazdasági gépészként végeztem. Már a tanulmányaim során is nagyon megszerettem a szakmámat, hiszen mindig is érdeklődtem a mezőgazdaság és a gépek iránt. Eddig a tanulmányok alatt rengeteg...
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Agricultural machine operator, tractor driver Veszprém, Pápa
Good afternoon! I am looking for a job in Papa. I have a B driving licence.
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Cattle farm employee Veszprém, Devecser
Hello! I am looking for a job as a rider. I have 3 years of experience and knowledge, as well as tractor driving experience. I'm interested in working in a boarding house and my partner would work there with me, so farm work is also an option.
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 months
Cattle farm employee Heves, Tiszanána
Agrocentina Ltd. in Tiszanána is looking for workers for the position of animal caretaker. The job description includes: - Supervision in the stables, - monitoring sick cows, - milking cows, tending the cows, taking care of the pregnant cows.
Source language: Hungarian
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Other plant growing work Győr-Moson-Sopron, Mosonmagyaróvár
Lajta-Hanság Zrt. növénytermesztési ágazatába, mezőgazdasági gépkezelő munkakörbe keresi új kollégáját mosonszolnoki telephelyére.
Source language: Hungarian
360.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Cattle farm employee Pest, Szentendre
Állatgondozó állást keresek pest megyében , szarvasmarha, lovak , stb mellett , traktort tudom használni ! Heti fizetéssel keresek munkát jogosítványom nincs!
Automatic translation
380.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Cattle farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Ebes
We are looking for a milkman for our small family farm, with a flat, full-time job. Married couples preferred, with notice. We are looking for someone with a sober lifestyle, who loves animals and is keen to work. Please call to enquire.
Source language: Hungarian
380.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Cattle farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Ebes
Családi kis gazdaságunkba keresek józan életvitelű embert, teljes munkaidős állásban. Házas párok előnyben ott lakással várjuk. Fejni tudó állatszerető embert keresünk hosszútávra.
Automatic translation
380.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Other agricultural work Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Kisújszállás
LOOKING FOR A JOB! I am looking for a job with a degree in agricultural engineering, anything is possible. Mostly Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county and Hajdú-Bihar county. Experience: - 3 years as a foreman, dairy cattle farm (1,5 years of which robotized)...
Automatic translation
400.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 week
Cattle farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Hortobágy
I am looking for 60 goulashers for grazing meat cows. Year-round work, only sober, reliable people who want to work.
Automatic translation
400.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Animal breeder specialist Pest, Dabas
Dabasi-based dairy Holstein-Friesian cattle farm is looking for an inseminator. Salary to be agreed, accommodation can be arranged if required.
Source language: Hungarian
400.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Animal breeder specialist Pest, Dabas
Műszakvezető munkatársat keresünk hosszú távra, szakirányú végzettséggel, tejelő (Holstein-fríz) szarvasmarha telepre Dabasra. Váltott műszakos munkarend igény szerint szállás megoldható, bérezés megegyezés szerint. Cégleírás: Dabasi székhelyű tejelő...
- Job (371)
- Animal husbandry works (149)
- Commercial, management work (29)
- Construction work (5)
- Delivery, storage, site work (10)
- Engineer (5)
- Food industry work (1)
- Forester, Fisherman, Beekeeper, Hunter work (1)
- Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic (90)
- Office work (10)
- Other agricultural work (64)
- Plant cultivation works (7)