Poultry farm employee 7 Advertisements

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Kérjük a távolság szerinti rendezéshez engedélyezze az automatikus helymeghatározást!

Source language: Hungarian
350 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Állást keresek Debrecenben, távolabb szállással
Vocational school Hungary Assigned/physical work Permanent work None 1-3 years of professional experience
Source language: Hungarian
300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Állat gondozói munkát keresek Hajdú Bihar megyében. Azok akik emailben veszik fel velem a kapcsolatot írjonak pontos információt a munkáról. Ne ezt az automata üzenetet küldjék el
Vocational school Hajdú-Bihar county Assigned/physical work Permanent work None
Automatic translation
350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
I am looking for a job as a pet carer in Hajdú-Bihar county, with accommodation, further afield by arrangement.
Vocational school Hajdú-Bihar county Assigned/physical work Permanent work None
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 6 years
Poultry farm employee Hajdú-Bihar, Nyíradony
We are looking for a sober-living keeper for a sunny goose. Only people who have experience in goose care and want to work should call. Accommodation will be provided.
Hajdú-Bihar county Assigned/physical work
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 6 days
Poultry farm employee Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Looking for a chicken keeper for a farm with a flat! Near Nyíregyháza!
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 2 weeks
Poultry farm employee Baranya, Erzsébet
For our poultry farm in Erzsébet, we are looking for an animal caretaker, who is able to work alone and is demanding of his/her work and environment. Experience in poultry care is an advantage but not an expectation. Mechanized farm work, one shift...
Baranya county Assigned/physical work 0-10 people
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 5 months
Poultry farm employee Bács-Kiskun, Kerekegyháza
We are looking for an experienced, hard-working animal carer experienced in intensive broiler chicken rearing; accommodation can be arranged if required.

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