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60.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Estate, farm, major Zala, Hévíz
Property for sale in Hévíz! Négyszögmajor, from owner, 1/1 ownership, free of charge. In Hévíz, in a quiet, calm environment, for sale a 300 sqm property of 6 rooms, to be renovated. The house and the areas are sold together (8 separate parcel...
4 Hectare
Source language: Hungarian
230.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 months
Estate, farm, major Zala, Lenti
Ha Ön olyan ingatlant keres, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy közelebb kerüljön a természethez és az állatokhoz, miközben nem kell lemondania a modern kényelemről, akkor ez a lenti lovarda megvalósíthatja álmait. Az ingatlan Lentiben helyezkedik el,...
5,83 Hectare
Automatic translation
12.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Estate, farm, major Baranya, Pécs
Boda 4100 m² building plot with public utilities in the internal area 15 km from Pécs, in the village of Boda, 4100 m² building plot with utilities. The plot is fenced, with mown grass and nice trees. Stream at the end of the garden, wheel well on...
4200 m2
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70.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Estate, farm, major Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tiszafüred
Price reduction! 70.000.000 Ft. Farmhouse for sale, with land in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Vármegye, Tiszafüreden. The farm is situated on 14.000 m², about 5 km from the town, in a quiet, natural environment. The farm has a large farm building with an 82...
14000 m2
Source language: Hungarian
480.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 year
Estate, farm, major Csongrád-Csanád, Ruzsa
RAKTÁROZÁS? GYÁRTÓCSARNOK? CÉGKÖZPONT? BERUHÁZÓK FIGYELEM! 6,1 HEKTÁROS, IPARI TERÜLET MARTONVÁSÁRON ELADÓ! Megvételre kínálok Önnek Martonvásáron egy mezőgazdasági művelésből kivett ipari területet, amely egyben (61.000 nm) és 11 különálló részre...
61000 m2
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Advertiser for 11 years
Estate, farm, major Bács-Kiskun, Kecel
Farmhouse for sale in Kecele with 2.6 ha of land! The farm has an area of 3000 sqm, 1 ha of Stanley plum, 1,3 ha of elderberry plantation, next to a paved road 100 meters away. Building 6 m * 8 m, drilled well!
Source language: Hungarian
160.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Estate, farm, major Békés, Gyula
ELADÓ! BÉKÉSCSABA, (Békés megye) Gerla, (Póstelekre vezet® út mellett), 9.5489 ha m2, részben közművesített, kivett és szántó megnevezésű területen elhelyezkedő, - LOVARDA, mely tartalmaz istállókat, nyereg tárolót, takarmány tárolót - roppantóval,...
9.55 Hectare
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550.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 months
Estate, farm, major Pest, Vecsés
For sale 28.000 m² agricultural-industrial land in Vecsés. - 10.000 m² partially utilised, with massive fence and electric gate - 18.000 m² fenced with game nets - drilled well - industrial electricity - accessible by truck - no access fee - next to...
28000 m2
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200.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 weeks
Estate, farm, major Tolna, Nagyszokoly
Pig farm for sale in Tolna county, on the outskirts of Nagyszokoly, on 2 hectares. The farm is 1/1 owned, unencumbered. Capacity 200 sows + breeding stock. It is licensed to live at the veterinary station. Farm buildings include a 100-car core store....
2 Hectare
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14.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Estate, farm, major Csongrád-Csanád, Tömörkény
-- Plot area: 3,5 hectares - House area: 80 m²: three rooms, kitchen with dining room, bathroom, hallway - House currently occupied: electricity, piped water, gas connected - House is on a high ground, walls are dry, can be extended in all directions...
37148 m2
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54.900.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Estate, farm, major Pest, Tóalmás
Hello! Farm with family house, 6314 sqm Price: 54.900.000 Ft In Pest county, on the outskirts of Tóalmás, 160 sqm family house with a roof terrace, 6314 sqm for sale. 1/3 part fenced, 2/3 part mowing. Very quiet (no neighbours), quiet location....
160 m2
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500.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 months
Estate, farm, major Veszprém, Veszprém
10 minutes from the centre of Veszprém, but still in the centre of Veszprém, a farmhouse of 21.494 m² is for sale. There are 4 buildings to be renovated or demolished. Livestock was kept here for nearly 40 years. The electricity is inside, but needs...
21494 m2
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64.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 months
Estate, farm, major Békés, Csabaszabadi
In Békés county, on the outskirts of Csabaszabadi (Kereki), property for sale suitable for the rearing of chickens, domestic fowls, turkeys, ducks, musk ducks, geese, guinea fowls, pigs, lambs, possibly rabbits, meat pigeons, quail, pheasants,...
9536 m2
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30.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Estate, farm, major Pest, Alsónémedi
2500 m² farmhouse with arable land for sale in Felsőrada, Alsónémedi. The farm has electricity and a drilled well. Asking price: 30.000.000 Ft.
5000 m2
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24.990.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Estate, farm, major Baranya, Pécs
Bakonya 15 km from Pécs, 360 m² site (workshop, warehouse) on 3000 m² plot. There are 2 buildings on the plot: a 280 m² workshop and a separate building of 80 m². There are two buildings on the site, one of which is a separate building and one is a...
360 m2
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99.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 2 months
Estate, farm, major Tolna, Paks
For sale: semi-finished, two-storey, 375 m², gable-roofed building. Suitable for business and private use. Connectable to public utilities. Land area: 0,5 ha.
375 m2
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Advertiser for 3 years
Estate, farm, major Heves, Csány
Csány is a very well frequented area of Csány located single storey house looking for a new owner. The house also has a complete gardening, which has been in operation since 1995. The nursery is equipped with ALL the necessary tools, it just needs to...
8427 m2
Source language: Hungarian HUF
Advertiser for 1 week
Estate, farm, major Bács-Kiskun, Szentkirály
A terület a 4622. számú szilárd aszfaltburkolattal ellátott közúton közelíthető meg, Szentkirály település belterületétől megközelítőleg 200 méterre helyezkedik el. 6 darab 4000 m3 -es (egyenként 221,67 m2 -es), hengerelt acélszerkezetű,...
14510 m2
Source language: Hungarian
85.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Estate, farm, major Bács-Kiskun, Lajosmizse
Bács-kiskun vármegyében Lajosmizsén eladásra kínálok állattartásra alkalmas tanyás ingatlant, és a körülötte lévő 12 hektár földterületet és 3,9 hektár erdőt. A lakóépület 85 nm alapterületű két és fél szobás összkomfortos családi ház, ami festés...
11,80 Hectare
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4.900.000.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 4 days
Estate, farm, major Zala, Keszthely
A poultry breeding farm with a total area of 13,096 m² on a 74,574 m² plot in Jánosháza, in the West Transdanubian region, currently in operation, suitable for fattening chickens or for pre- and post- rearing turkeys. Also included in the sale is a...
13096 m2
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16.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Estate, farm, major Pest, Dabas (Gyón)
I would like to buy a farm, wooded area, ruinous farm in Dabas, Hernád, Újhartyán or surrounding villages, or in Lajosmizse or its surroundings (not in Kecskemét). The size of the area is ideally at least 2-3 hectares, maximum 10 ha. Possibly a...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 6 years
Estate, farm, major Bács-Kiskun, Bócsa
Livestock farm for sale in Bács-Kiskun county, Bócsán. The farm currently has beef cattle. The social building is completely new, with 1 apartment, 1 office and a boiler house on the lower floor. On the upper floor there are two apartments. The...
Automatic translation
160.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Estate, farm, major Zala, Rezi
Property for sale in Rezi! In a quiet and peaceful area of Rezi, a 4.6724 hectare large and developed land is for sale, which awaits its new owner at a price of 160 million HUF. The property is 1/1 owned, free of encumbrances, excluded from...
46724 m2
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123.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Estate, farm, major Fejér, Dunaújváros
Dunaújváros inland building plot. 8500 m² landscaped plot. Utilities on the plot. 5 chalets, 350 m² brick building on the plot, which need renovation. The most beautiful plot of land for sale in Dunaújváros, in a quiet, well-ordered, very good...
8500 m2
Automatic translation
1.500 HUF
Advertiser for 9 years
Estate, farm, major Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza (Oros)
Oros, Nagyszállás Kanász street, 27 000 m² of land suitable for all activities - small house, water, electricity, fruit trees. Mains gas nearby. The area is fenced, currently registered as reserve building land. Sale price: 1 500 HUF/m². Tel: 30 291...
27000 m2

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