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Source language: Hungarian
40.000.000 HUF
Highlighted Advertiser for 1 week
Solo Veszprém, Paloznak
Eladó három helyrajzi számon (kettő egymás mellett, a harmadik egy hrsz-szel mellettük), összesen 9340 négyzetméter olasz rizling ültetvény (fajta: B-20) Paloznakon, a Csopakkal határos Sáfránkert dűlőn. Az 1. minőségű osztályú, 27 AK értékű...
9340 m2
Automatic translation
3.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Solo Heves, Gyöngyöspata
10 years old, newly planted, quality vineyard for sale in Gyöngyöspata! Total of 5 hectares (in blocks of 1-2 hectares). The price is for 1 hectare! Varieties: zenith, yellow muskmelon, turan, merlot, cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir.
Automatic translation
500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Solo Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Edelény
For sale in Edelény, an area of vineyards/fruit orchards (zártkert 3757 and 3758), each of which includes 1/2 part: - 3757: orchard, 220,5 m²; vineyard: 1209,5 m²; garden and road: 642,5 m² - 3758: orchard, 92,5 m² The price is fixed, all offers are...
2165 m2
Source language: Hungarian
2.400.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Solo Heves, Eger
Eladásra kínálom Magyarország egyik legjobb Grand Superior szőlőterületét az egri hegyközség területén, a Nagy-Eged-dűlőben. A kékfrankos szőlőterület 2975 m2, 11 sor melyből 4 sor 2019-es telepítésű tehát most fordul termőre (fém támrendszerű), 7...
2975 m2 Yes
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 2 years
Solo Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Mád
Tokaj-Hegyalján Mádon ,Középhegy dűlőben ,déli fekvésű Furmint fajtával beültetett nyirkos talajú 5440 m2 területű szőlő eladó.
Automatic translation
600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Rátka
I offer for sale my Furmint-Lárslevelű vineyard in the Istenhegy vineyard in Rátka, producing high quality grapes. The vines are over 50 years old and produce a full-bodied wine with character. The area is well-oaked. It consists of 4 rows 215 m long...
2129 m2
Automatic translation
9.100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Solo Heves, Egerszalók
Vineyards in the Eger wine region, belonging to Egerszalók, cultivated and maintained: Kékoportó (1,62 ha - 1979), Zweigelt (1,8 ha - 1979), Kékoportó (3 ha - 1995), Blauburger (0,7 ha - 1998) - The area is contiguous. - The area is accessible by...
7 Hectare
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 8 years
Solo Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
I would rent a productive vineyard.
Source language: Hungarian
5.990.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Solo Veszprém, Szentjakabfa
Balatoni új telepítésű szőlő terület Szentjakabfa határában eladó. A terület 3572 nm2, amely 6 éve lett telepítve Olaszrizling szőlőfajtával. Domborzati viszonyokat tekintve részben balatoni panorámával rendelkezik a terület. Besorolás szerint...
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 8 years
I would buy up vineyards condemned to grubbing-up for quota. I am also interested in vineyards condemned to grubbing up in Orgovány and the 10 km area, or quota.
Automatic translation
6.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Solo Heves, Egerszalók
A total of about 40 000 sqm of land for sale on the outskirts of Egerszalók (vineyard + forest). 3 ha of vineyard have been grubbed up but are still in the vineyard register. A total of ~1.0 ha of acacia around the vineyard, felled last year, has...
4 Hectare
Automatic translation
2.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Solo Zala, Türje
In the street Úrkuti, in Öreghegy, in Türjén, a 2827 m² private plot is for sale. Easily accessible by car, excellent for hobby gardening, agricultural production and livestock. It is a safe, family-friendly, quiet area.
2827 m2
Automatic translation
800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Solo Tolna, Regöly
For sale! Regöly zártkert 1753, 1754 hrsz. vineyard, orchard 2104 m². Quiet, peaceful environment, close to the road. 20/458-0564.
Automatic translation
3.100.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Solo Heves, Egerszalók
In the wine region of Egerszalok, in the Egerszalok area, cultivated and maintained vineyard: Cabernet Sauvignon, 2.4 ha for sale. - The area is completely contiguous. - The area is accessible by dirt road from the main road. - The plantation has...
2.40 Hectare
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 8 years
Solo Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Szerencs
For sale in one of the most beautiful places of Mád, in the Szent Tamás vineyard, 1.3 ha of vineyard. Yellow Muskotály, Furmint and Zeta varieties planted. The supporting equipment is in excellent condition. Further information and enquiries by...
13000 m2
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Heves, Andornaktálya
Andornaktálya Hegyközségben, Kőlyuktetőn, folyamatosan művelt, kitűnő minőségű borszőlő ültetvény hosszú távra bérbeadó. Várható mennyiség 50-q.
Automatic translation
123 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Solo Heves, Gyöngyöstarján
"Roadside vineyard for sale. Muscat Lunel 5050 m2 - 1.300.000 Ft Greenveltelini 6000 m2 - 3.200.000 Ft Muscat of Chasselas and Pölöskei 7930 m2 - 3.000.000 Ft."
Automatic translation
2.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 7 years
Solo Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Tolcsva
0.6 ha vineyard for sale in Tolcsván, Tokaj-Hegyalján, in the Mulató vineyard. For more information call.
Automatic translation
1.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Solo Heves, Abasár
On the outskirts of Visonta, between the main road 3 and Abasár, next to the access road to Abasár, in a well accessible location with a beautiful view, 0.821 ha of Olaszrizling and Sárgamuskotály plantations for sale!
0.82 Hectare No Yes
Source language: Hungarian
40.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Solo Tolna, Alsónána
Alsónána külterületén eladó egy 4,69 hektár alapterületű bekerített szőlőültetvény. A szekszárdi borvidékhez tartozó terület 70%-a Syrah, 30%-a Merlot szőlőfajtákkal került betelepítésre. Az ingatlan a Várdombot Alsónánával összekötő betonúton...
4.69 Hectare Yes
Source language: Hungarian
100 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Heves, Andornaktálya
Kőlyuktetőn - Andornaktálya Hegyközség - hosszútávra bérbeadó folyamatosan termő szőlőültetvény.
3080 m2 No Yes
Automatic translation
Advertiser for 2 years
Solo Heves, Abasár
Irsai vineyard for sale. Located on the outskirts of Visonta. The area is 2,5 ha. 0,6 ha planted in 2019, 0,45 ha planted in 2020, 0,6 ha planted in 2022, 0,7 ha planted in 2024. The areas are located in close proximity to each other. 0,15 ha of...
2.50 Hectare Yes Yes
Automatic translation
7.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Solo Fejér, Vál
In Vál, on an area of 1151 sqm, vineyard under cultivation for sale. It is mainly planted with Olaszrizling and Zalagyöngye varieties. The area includes a 20 sqm press house and cellar. The vineyard is located close to the village, with good access...
Automatic translation
3.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Heves, Gyöngyös
For sale or rent 1.5 hectares of Zweigelt vineyards towards Gyöngyösoroszi, on the other side of the Toka stream. Price to be agreed.
1.50 Hectare Yes
Automatic translation
3.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Solo Somogy, Balatonvilágos
In the outskirts of Balatonvilágos, 7943 sqm (3 land parcels), vineyard with wooden columns, classified as vineyard. Property Nos.: Balatonvilágos outskirts 050/79; 050/111; 050/112 (In the picture, it is located inside the area delimited in red.)...
7943 m2

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