Automatic translation
2.475.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Budapest, Budapest (XI. kerület)
For sale Eger, 0533/95 Hrsz, 22,86 Ac, 5268 sqm, 1/1 owned vineyard.
Source language: Hungarian
2.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 month
Solo Veszprém, Káptalantóti
Káptalantóti külterületén eladó 3136 nm olaszrizling, szürkebarát fajtákkal beültetett faoszlopos, kordonosművelésű , 40 éve telepített szőlőültetvény.
Automatic translation
3.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 12 years
Solo Heves, Gyöngyöspata
10 years old, newly planted, quality vineyard for sale in Gyöngyöspata! Total of 5 hectares (in blocks of 1-2 hectares). The price is for 1 hectare! Varieties: zenith, yellow muskmelon, turan, merlot, cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir.
Automatic translation
3.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 months
Solo Heves, Gyöngyös
For sale or rent 1.5 hectares of Zweigelt vineyards towards Gyöngyösoroszi, on the other side of the Toka stream. Price to be agreed.
Automatic translation
3.300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 days
Solo Heves, Gyöngyössolymos
For sale 1.5 ha of kékfrankos vineyards on the outskirts of Gyöngyössolymos.
Automatic translation
3.600.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solo Somogy, Balatonvilágos
In the outskirts of Balatonvilágos, 7943 sqm (3 land parcels), vineyard with wooden columns, classified as vineyard. Property Nos.: Balatonvilágos outskirts 050/79; 050/111; 050/112 (In the picture, it is located inside the area delimited in red.)...
Automatic translation
3.800.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solo Somogy, Balatonvilágos
In the outskirt area of Balatonvilágos, in the vineyard of Balatonvilágos, 8177 sqm, 32,71 AK, vineyard with wooden poles for sale. Property No: Balatonvilágos outskirts 056/71. (The area marked in red in the picture.) Most of it is Királyleányka,...
Automatic translation
3.969.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 months
Solo Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét (Hetényegyháza)
Next to the road connecting Kecskemét-Hetényegyháza, a spicy vineyard in Cserszeg is for sale. Size 6600 sqm, 12 years of planting. Price: 600 Ft/nm Tel.: 0630 625 0879
Automatic translation
5.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Solo Veszprém, Tapolca (Diszel)
Chobach, Grey friend 5 M Ft I offer for sale a personally owned vineyard in the Balaton Wine Region, in the Badacsony Wine Region, in Diszel, on Csobán Hill, in the Csendár Hills. It has been under controlled organic farming since 1997 (it is...
Automatic translation
6.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét (Hetényegyháza)
For sale 2744 sqm plot of land classified as vineyard in Úrihegy, near the Univer factory, on the outskirts of Hetényegyháza. It is located next to a dirt road, electricity and gas in the street. 3% buildability. Parcel number: 01631/18
Automatic translation
7.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 years
Solo Fejér, Vál
In Vál, on an area of 1151 sqm, vineyard under cultivation for sale. It is mainly planted with Olaszrizling and Zalagyöngye varieties. The area includes a 20 sqm press house and cellar. The vineyard is located close to the village, with good access...
Source language: Hungarian
7.185.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Solo Veszprém, Balatonszőlős
Balatonszőlősön 086/31 hrsz. 0,7185 ha Sauvignon blanc szőlőterület eladó 1000Ft/m2 áron. Érdeklődni a megadott telefonszámon!
Automatic translation
8.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 months
Solo Heves, Gyöngyös
1 ha of Irsai Olivér and 1 ha of Turán + table grapes - preferably in one - for sale at Vereskút in Gyöngyösoroszi. The vineyard is 10-15 years old, carefully and professionally cultivated, well productive, partly with metal poles. Guide price: 4 M...
Automatic translation
8.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 year
Solo Baranya, Hegyszentmárton
For sale 8 ha of vineyards in the Siklós district of the Villány wine region, Hegyszentmárton. - 4 ha Cabernet Sauvignon - 1,8 ha Chardonnay - 1,8 ha Merlot - 0,2 ha press house under renovation Price: 8.000.000 Ft/ha To enquire, please send an email...
Source language: Hungarian
8.300.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Solo Veszprém, Szentjakabfa
Balatoni új telepítésű szőlő terület Szentjakabfa határában eladó. A terület 3572 nm2, amely 6 éve lett telepítve Olaszrizling szőlőfajtával. Domborzati viszonyokat tekintve részben balatoni panorámával rendelkezik a terület. Besorolás szerint...
Source language: Hungarian
8.855.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Solo Veszprém, Balatonszőlős
Balatonszőlősön 086/32 hrsz. 0,6325 ha Merlot szőlőterület eladó 1400Ft/m2 áron. Érdeklődni a megadott telefonszámon!
Automatic translation
10.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 4 months
Solo Baranya, Nagyharsány
For sale 1 hectare of vineyards in the Villány Wine Region, near Szársomlyó and Kopár Hill, in the Dobogó vineyard.
Automatic translation
12.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 months
Solo Zala, Zalaszentgrót
Private garden property for sale in Zalaszentgrót. Its area is 6270 m2. Planted with vines and fruit trees (apples, pears). It is located under a forest with a beautiful panorama. In the area there is a habitable building room and kitchen, and below...
Automatic translation
13.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Solo Komárom-Esztergom, Tata
Tata, Látohegy 2219 m², 6.36 acres with orchard and vineyard building for sale, easily accessible, quiet street. Vineyard: 1093 m². Orchard: 1126 m². Several varieties of vines, apples, pears, plums, walnut trees. The upper part of the building has a...
Automatic translation
14.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Solo Veszprém, Tapolca (Diszel)
Hussar member I offer for sale my personally owned vineyard and set-aside land in the Balaton Wine Region, Badacsony Wine Region, Diszel, Hajagos Hill, Huszár (member) vineyard. It has been under controlled organic farming since 1837 (currently...
Automatic translation
18.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Solo Veszprém, Tapolca (Diszel)
Pebble Mountain Tóth cross I am offering for sale my personally owned vineyard in the Balaton Wine Region, in the Badacsony Wine Region, in Diszel, Köves Hill. Since 1997 it is under controlled organic farming (currently applied for AKG subsidy),...
Source language: Hungarian
25.360.800 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Solo Veszprém, Balatonszőlős
Balatonszőlősön 086/33 hrsz. 2,1134 ha Olaszrizling és Szürkebarát szőlőterület eladó 1200Ft/m2 áron. Érdeklődni a megadott telefonszámon!
Source language: Hungarian
35.500.000 HUF
Advertiser for 1 day
Solo Bács-Kiskun, Kiskőrös
Csengőd Kullér területén 2011 évi telepítésű 1 ha Bianka, 4,5 ha Cserszegi fűszeres fajtájú szőlő ültetvény tanyával együtt eladó. Több információ telefonon.
Source language: Hungarian
40.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Solo Tolna, Alsónána
Alsónána külterületén eladó egy 4,69 hektár alapterületű bekerített szőlőültetvény. A szekszárdi borvidékhez tartozó terület 70%-a Syrah, 30%-a Merlot szőlőfajtákkal került betelepítésre. Az ingatlan a Várdombot Alsónánával összekötő betonúton...
Source language: Hungarian
41.400.800 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Solo Veszprém, Balatonszőlős
Balatonszőlősön szomszédos szőlőterületek eladóak. 086/31 hrsz. 0,7185 ha Sauvignon blanc 1000 Ft/m2 7.185.000 Ft 086/32 hrsz. 0,6325 ha Merlot 1400 Ft/m2 8.855.000 Ft 086/33 hrsz. 2,1134 ha Olaszrizling és Szürkebarát 1200 Ft/m2 25.360.800 Ft...