Special offers
Source language: Hungarian
590.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 15 years
Harvester parts Hajdú-Bihar, Püspökladány
John Deere 1188 jó állapotú, használt vízhűtők eladók. 590.000Ft/db
Automatic translation
18.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 months
Hall, hall frame Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Zsurk
Warehouse tent, not subject to building permit! 20*36 m floor area, 10 m ridge, 6 m shoulder height. 60*60*3 mm dipped galvanized steel frame structure, Sattler 749, Class I, tarpaulin cover with ventilated windows, with a sliding door on the side....
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Advertiser for 3 years
Gruber Hajdú-Bihar, Debrecen
Working width (m): 2,1-2,6-3,0-3,9 Number of picks (pcs): 5-6-7-9 Number of stakes: 6-7-8-10 The main advantage is its flexibility and versatility. The sturdy frame is rigid enough for intensive use by high-powered tractors. Complete tillage can be...
Source language: Hungarian
5.490 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Other service Somogy, Kaposvár
Kerítésépítés kerítéspanelből felszerelése gyors, és nem költséges, élettartama hosszú. Felhasználási területe nagyon széles. A táblák horganyzott huzalból készülnek, a színezettek pedig a horganyzás után porfestékkel festődnek és kemencében...
Source language: Hungarian
102.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Trough, self-feeder, drinker Pest, Cegléd
Spóroljon időt és takarmányt. A vadetető automata segítségével beállíthatja, hogy mikor és mennyi szemes takarmányt szeretne biztosítani a szóróra járó vadak etetésére, helyhez szoktatására. A 6v-os akkumulátornak és a tartály nagy méretének...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 1 year
Forest, plantation Nógrád, Nagylóc
175 Ha 1/1 egységes erdő eladó friss erdötervel a birtokunkban!!!
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Advertiser for 5 years
Other Békés, Békéscsaba
Dear Interested Parties! Krone lawn mowers of all sizes and types. Please contact us for any questions! KC-BÉKÉS LTD. Tel: 30/352-9994
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Advertiser for 8 years
Other tractor parts Budapest, Budapest (IV. kerület)
Full range of original factory MASSEY FERGUSON spare parts in the Agrogalaxy Webshop! Why look for Agrogalaxy Ltd? - 10 million parts: a wide range of original factory and aftermarket parts. - Faster and easier ordering: our new interface makes it...
Source language: Hungarian
11.900.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 1 year
Sniffer, tank truck Csongrád-Csanád, Nagylak
Saválló 19000l tartálykocsi telyesen felújítva eladó! Nitrosol és víz szállításra alkalmas Tej szállítására is lehet használni Dupla falas szigetelt! Eddig csak tej szállítására használták Tárcsás fékrendszerel Légrugos 6 db szinte tiszta új...
Automatic translation
YTO Bács-Kiskun, Tiszaug
The product can also be purchased HERE: https://agrohof.hu/sku/Y96-6928 YTO NMF554C - Engine: 4 cylinder, turbocharged, diesel - Weight: 2770 kg - Tractor power: 41.5/55 kW/HP - Drivetrain: 12+12 - Speed: 3-30 km/h - Remote hydraulic coupling/pair: 2...
Automatic translation
249.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 3 years
Estate, farm, major Budapest, Budapest (XVI. kerület)
On one of Cinkota's newly upgraded external main roads leading out of the town, a large civic living space has been created that, with up to three separate apartments, is suitable for a large family to live together, as well as for running a...
Source language: Hungarian
952.7 Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét
Tisztelt Gazdálkodó! A Royal Traktor cégcsoport, az ország egyik legnagyobb raktárkészletével és legsokoldalúbb palettájával rendelkezik. Mezőgazdasági, talajmegmunkáló gépek, építőipari, kommunális, kertészeti, zöldség és gyümölcstermesztés,...
Automatic translation
20.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 15 years
Estate, farm, major Békés, Körösladány
Animal farm in Körösladány for sale. There is water and electricity on the site. Access from a paved road. The farm is 1400 sqm and has 0,62 ha of arable land. More information by phone.
Source language: Hungarian
580.000 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Storage container Komárom-Esztergom, Gyermely
5.4mx2.2mx2.2m Konténer tároló raktár , részben szigetelt ,alumínium felépítmény . Megegyezés szerint akár szállítani is tudom
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18.900.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 3 years
M135GX Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén, Tornaszentjakab
For sale from family farm is our Kubota M135 GX tractor with 24x24 Powershift transmission, good tyres, in excellent condition, as shown in the pictures. Even the version without AdBlue! Freshly serviced, all oil and filters changed.
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7.890.000 HUF
Advertiser for 5 years
Nectis 237 Csongrád-Csanád, Forráskút
Claas small tractor, 80 hp, all-wheel drive, 4 pairs of hydraulic couplings at the rear and side, with directional control, in good condition as shown in the pictures, for sale with fresh service on request.
Automatic translation
1.350.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other Pest, Nagykőrös
For sale is the MTZ-80 type tractor shown in the pictures, with a valid work permit until 14 April 2025, plus one rear tyre. The engine, transmission and TLT are in good working order.
Source language: Hungarian
4.200.000 HUF
Advertiser for 8 years
Grain seeder Zala, Szilvágy
Eladó egy 4 méteres Vogel Noot MasterDrill DFM 400 gabonavetőgép. Duplatárcsás csoroszlya, magnyomó/mélységhatároló kerekek, Monitor, Művelőút automatika, Tartálymagasítás, 1 tonna belefér búzából, Tartalék elosztókúp, aminek a cseréjével dupla...
Source language: Hungarian
499.000 HUF +VAT
Advertiser for 6 years
Plow Baranya, Olasz
Eladó egy Rabewerk Kleber 4 fejes, félig függesztett ágyeke, munkára fogható állapotban. További információk telefonon, illetve személyesen, előre egyeztetett időpontban.
Source language: Hungarian
5.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Nutrient supply and irrigation components Komárom-Esztergom, Esztergom
Eladó szórótányér, gyári új több darab 5000/ db Rozsdamentes szabályzó 1 db 5000 ft
Automatic translation
50.000 HUF
Advertiser for 6 years
Push-weight glaze scale Budapest, Budapest (XX. kerület)
For sale, stored indoors, 500 kg of pusher weights.
Automatic translation
600 HUF
Advertiser for 11 years
Wine Fejér, Tabajd
2024 vintage Chardonnay varietal wine for sale. It is grown in Fejér county, in the village of Tabajd, on a north-eastern slope. Matured in oak barrels; acidity 6%, alcohol 13%.
Automatic translation
Grain moisture meter Csongrád-Csanád, Szeged
New Supertech Agroline C-PRO grain moisture meter, suitable for measuring the exact moisture content of nearly 40 types of grain. Thanks to the smartphone application in Hungarian, it is quick and easy to use. C-Pro is a new generation rapid hand...
Source language: Hungarian
Advertiser for 11 years
Harvester parts Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Nyíregyháza
Kombájn szecskázókések. Több típushoz. Postai szállítás is. Részletek a honlapunkon illetve telefonon.
- Agricultural machine, tool (48.877)
- Agricultural informatics, GPS (386)
- Animal husbandry machines and tools (6.987)
- Car, motorcycle, utility vehicle (601)
- Fiber forage harvesting machines (4.334)
- Food industry machinery (601)
- Forestry machines (1.866)
- Fruit growing machines (638)
- Garden machine (370)
- Harverster (1.250)
- Loaders and construction machinery (5.753)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation machines (1.856)
- Ornamental plant cultivation machines (17)
- Other agricultural machinery and equipment (258)
- Seeder, planter (1.483)
- Small tractor (683)
- Sprayer (1.538)
- Tillage machines (8.709)
- Tractor (2.869)
- Tractor accessories (407)
- Trailer (1.956)
- Utility machine (1.054)
- Vegetable growing machines (855)
- Viticulture machinery (681)
- Waste treatment machines (981)
- Wildlife management tools (5)
- Workshop equipment and plant tools (2.738)
- Animal (1.184)
- Bee, Apiary (35)
- Cat (9)
- Cattle (183)
- Dog (188)
- Donkey (9)
- Fish, Fishing (32)
- Goat (24)
- Horse (66)
- Offense (325)
- Other animal (35)
- Rabbit (39)
- Sheep (96)
- Wild, Hunting (9)
- Winged (133)
- Job (339)
- Animal husbandry works (143)
- Commercial, management work (26)
- Construction work (5)
- Delivery, storage, site work (7)
- Engineer (4)
- Food industry work (1)
- Forester, Fisherman, Beekeeper, Hunter work (3)
- Mechanic, machine operator, mechanic (80)
- Office work (8)
- Other agricultural work (55)
- Plant cultivation works (7)
- Property (1.919)
- Closed garden, plot (48)
- Commercial building, cold store (26)
- Commercial real estate (21)
- Container (129)
- Estate, farm, major (208)
- Farmland, arable land, land (506)
- Foil house, greenhouse, horticulture (81)
- Forest, plantation (214)
- Fruity, grapes (111)
- Industrial property (313)
- Lake, fishpond, reedbed (8)
- Mine (10)
- Other agricultural property (44)
- Other property (53)
- Pasture, reeds, meadow (59)
- Residential property (85)
- Part (38.730)
- Animal husbandry machine part (51)
- Car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle parts (428)
- Food industry machine parts (11)
- Fruit growing and viticulture machine parts (8)
- Garden machine parts (182)
- General machine parts (5.610)
- Harvester parts (4.351)
- Loader and construction machine parts (1.394)
- Lubricants, service materials (167)
- Nutrient supply and irrigation components (208)
- Other agricultural machine parts (1.693)
- Parts of forestry machines (39)
- Seeder, Seedling machine parts (774)
- Sprayer parts (1.354)
- Tillage machine parts (1.700)
- Towing and cargo securing (33)
- Tractor parts (20.076)
- Trailer parts (591)
- Utility machine parts (9)
- Input (818)
- Nutrient supply (319)
- Other input (21)
- Plant propagating material (379)
- Plant protection product (99)
- Service (1.120)
- Animal husbandry, animal breeding (1)
- Application writing (12)
- Construction, execution (138)
- Drone spraying (4)
- Drone survey (4)
- Education (18)
- Expert advice (36)
- Food industry (3)
- Other service (220)
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- Rental (28)
- Repair (154)
- Storage (17)
- Transport (207)
- Wage work (241)
- Crop (1.969)
- Bio Food (2)
- Cereals (246)
- Dairy product (5)
- Drinks (54)
- Egg (10)
- Field plants (63)
- Forage (1.057)
- Fruit (40)
- Handmade products (8)
- Honey (33)
- Jam (5)
- Meat products (5)
- Mushroom (5)
- Oils (7)
- Other crops (38)
- Other food (14)
- Pine tree (22)
- Seeds, shell fruit (46)
- Solo (16)
- Spice (8)
- Sugar (7)
- Vegetables (136)
- Wooden goods (142)
- Other (13.211)
- Building material (147)
- Energy, renewable energy (147)
- Fishing, fishing (12)
- Games (230)
- Garden tools (117)
- Hunting (41)
- Operating and handling instructions (89)
- Other (11.441)
- Tools, containers, supplies (383)
- Work clothes, work protection (604)