a_destanom current offers
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130.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Estate, farm, major Fejér, Mezőfalva
Fejér county property for sale Place: Fejér county Size: 55.000 m² 55.000 m2, 40% buildable. The existing buildings are of brick masonry. Total floor area of the buildings: 1,600 m². Administratively Mezőfalva Ménes major, but it is closer to...
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130.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Estate, farm, major Fejér, Mezőfalva
WHO WANTS FOR THE PROPERTY, WILL PARTICIPATE IN A 1.000.000 HUF BENEFIT! Location. Size: 55.000 m² 40% buildable! The existing buildings are of brick masonry. The total floor area of the buildings is approximately 1500 m². Administratively, Mezőfalva...
Source language: Hungarian
62.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Economic building Fejér, Mezőfalva
Fejér megye déli részén Mezőfalva Ménesmajorban 2 db terménytároló eladó. Alapterületük: 10x25 m. A falak 2,3 m-ig terhelhetők. Mekkora jövedelemre tenne szert, ha 6000 mázsa kukoricát nem most, hanem a tavasszal adna el?
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133.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Other agricultural property Fejér, Mezőfalva
I will give 10 million HUF to anyone who helps me sell my property. The property is located in the southern part of Fejér county, between the M6 and the M8 motorway. 5,5 ha, 40% buildable. For more information, please call.
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900.000 HUF
Advertiser for 2 years
Other livestock machinery Fejér, Mezőfalva
Functional, very efficient beading machine for sale.