
7632 Pécs
Telephone number: Show

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550.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other property Baranya, Pécs
Slaughterhouse and demolition plant for sale outside Lakitelek. The slaughterhouse has an area attached to it, which allows for further development. The slaughterhouse was also licensed for cattle and sheep slaughter until 2004. After that, as an EU...
200 m2
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650.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other property Baranya, Pécs
Working chicken slaughterhouse for sale in Bács-Kiskun county. The area of the plant is 960 sqm, the size of the land is 1.5 hectares. Established customer base and EU legislation. Licensed to slaughter 12,000 chickens per day, 60,000 per week and 3...
960 m2
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950.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Inn Baranya, Pécs
For sale in Baranya County, only 15 km from Pécs, a horse farm on an area of more than 31 hectares (311.165 m²), in a beautiful natural environment. It is situated in a green belt with good infrastructure. The property was built in 1995 and has been...
30 Hectare
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460.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Other property Baranya, Pécs
Slaughterhouse for sale near Budapest, close to the motorway, with EU slaughtering licence, complete technology, development reserve. The plant is currently not in operation. - Land: 8000 sqm, buildings: 700 sqm poultry slaughterhouse, 300 sqm...
8000 m2
Source language: Hungarian HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Estate, farm, major Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szolnok
Szolnok megyében eladó 170ha szántóföld , és hozzátartozó farm gazdaság - Tanya épületek - gépek, berendezések (teljes berendezés, katonai és mezőgazdasági gépek gyűjteménye) Épületek : - rendezvény terem360m2 - műhelyek 600m2 - műhely 224m2 -...
170 Hectare
Automatic translation
550.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Estate, farm, major Baranya, Pécs
- Farm buildings - Machinery, equipment (complete equipment, collection of military and agricultural machinery) Buildings: - Event hall 360 m² - Workshops 600 m² - Workshop 224 m² - Barn 504 m² - Grain storage 360 ​​m² - 2 apartments + social block +...
2500 m2
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199.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Industrial, food industry plant Baranya, Pécs
1 ha of land for sale in Érsekhalma, with potential for mineral water production, valid building permit. Water yield: 600 litres/min Max. extractable: 1040 litres/min Price: 200 million Ft
1 Hectare
Automatic translation HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Industrial, food industry plant Baranya, Pécs
In Szilaspogony, Nógrád county, a 2800 sqm sandwich panel soft drink plant with complete equipment on a 1.1 ha site for sale.
2800 m2
Source language: Hungarian
680.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Farmland, arable land, land Baranya, Pécs
Szolnok megyében 170 hektár 20 AK szántóföld eladó. A terület nincs bérbe adva, növények (kukorica, buza) termesztése folyik rajta. Ár: 4 millió Ft/hektár.
170 Hectare Yes
Source language: Hungarian
600.000.000 HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Industrial, food industry plant Baranya, Pécs
Az ingatlan a Heves megyében Budapesttől 70 km-re, az M3-as autópályától 20 km-re van. Az az EU-minősítésű magyar vágóhíd szabályos négyszög alakú, körbekerített, parkosított, térburkolattal ellátott telken helyezkedik el. . A vágóhíd hosszú éveken...
630 m2
Source language: Hungarian HUF
Advertiser for 10 years
Estate, farm, major Baranya, Pécs
A gazdaság a bükki borvidéken helyezkedik el. Szőlőterület : 85 hektár Fajták: Leányka, Olaszrizling, Muscat Ottonel, Szürkebarát, Chardonnay,Portugieser, Pinot noir, Cabernet sauvignon. Tároló kapacitás : 12 000 Hl Pince hőmérséklete 8-10 celsius...


7632 Pécs
Telephone number: Show

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